I skipped all but my first class today, and came home at noon. While eating lunch, I was reminded of the fact that the kitchen was under siege by ants. I do not like ants.
I bet ants don't like bleach.
I killed all visible ants, wiped their favorite hangouts with bleach, and put bleach-soaked rags at their points of entry.
Fig. 1 shows the decline of ants as bleach application increased.
The results of the study support the hypothesis that ants don't like bleach. It remains to be seen whether this method will be effective over the long-term.
Gardner, Michael T. and Wiklund, Graham M. "A New Framework for Burnishing Shafts." Journal of People I Sat On the Porch With Last Night, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Oct. 2006) pp. 23-34.