Nov 19, 2004 01:42
Well today really sucked! I slept through my first class and spent the rest of the day working on a paper, and then after that more foo foo! Ah, oh well. Due to popular demand, I've decided to tell everyone why my tuesday sucked:
-I missed the bus because I thought I forgot my cell phone (it was in my pocket)
-I made a wrong turn which turned into a 15 minute detour
-When I got home I had to do laundry so I threw out the a sheet and 3 towels on the floor, which were sitting on the dryer. My dad came home and FLIPPED OUT on me! Keep in mind that we vacuum the kitchen floor EVERYNIGHT, and besides, its just the floor? I mean we have floor pillows all over..the floor.. to watch movies and TV. Is my floor the putrid playhouse for the disease, germs, and AIDS?
-My dad made me his bitch-boy and do errands...I HAD TO FOLD MY PARENTS UNDERWEAR...I don't know if you've ever done this but it's a real kick to your inner-child's bra-bearings.
-OK, so the Jimmy Eat World show stunk. They were so good the first time I saw them and this time they disapointed. Their visualizer-screen was broken and they had a replacement backupvocalist/guitarist and he was soo bad.. messed up so many songs vocally and guitarMcly. I also got hit in the naughty bits by a girl's bum(see Loaf)
-An old friend Karren wanted to see me so we met up at Perkins for comfort food. The food sucked. The service sucked. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "How could it get worse than that?" and "waffle fries", well let me tell you! When we got there, there was an old man who was sipping on coffee alone in his booth. He stared at me the ENTIRE time I was there! And then, to make it worse he started posing himself by opening his legs and putting one on the chair! ahhh ahhh! So we were there for about 30 minutes or so catching up..the whole time staring at me! ahh ahh! And then he FINALLY left, his eyes locked on me as he walked out. So I say "thank GOD thats over!" and Karren replies "no mark, youre too sexy to be out of site for any period of time--he will be back!" SO...guess who came back in when she said that! Yes! Creepy old guy returns! This time he walks up to my table, looks me over, and keeps walking. I'm all like.. uhhhh.. then 30 seconds later he walks back up to me, looks me over, walks on again. At this point I signal for help from the waiter for fear of my fragile butt. The waiter asks "can i help you sir?" creepy replies "uhh..i just lost my wallet" (he was sitting on the other side of the restaurant, so he must of had the infamous tele-wallet) then ran outside. I had Karren walk me to my car to be my personal Booty-guard **badoomchink**
-I had to stop at 3 gas stations before I could find a pump that wasn't prepay at night! grahh!
There was some other stuff too that really sucked, but I didn't want you, dear reader, to be bogged down with sadness. I'd like to end on a lighter note which I previously forgot to mention! When I was at a random party in Madison, this girl came up to me and said "Hey, aren't you that dancing boy from Oshkosh?" Thats right, me and my moves are legendary! Shamonay! OWW OWW!