I have had the song
He Drives Us Bats stuck in my head all day from the "Mayhem of the Music Meister" episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold. For those of you who don't know, Neil Patrick Harris recently guest-starred in a special musical episode of the greatest Batman cartoon ever made. :D
Sadly, the guy who usually posts the episodes on Youtube doesn't have the Music Meister episode up yet. You can download in the XBox Marketplace and that is what I ended up doing. It was worth every penny.
"Even without Shark Repellant, he's tougher than he seems. All the other heroes have to ask, why is he always the top cat? He drives us bats!"
I am serious, though. Batman: B&tB has even replaced the Dini/Timm Batman cartoon as my favorite. The recent Bat-mite episode sealed the deal. Why? The show actually gets self-aware for a bit as Bat-Mite asks the audience if perhaps having Batman fighting mutant Easter Bunnies was too far out-of-character. So, Bat-Mite polls a fifth dimensional comic book convention. You can see the scene that seals it here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb9VSIT8lY8. That's MY Batman! He may be a street-level detective, but that doesn't mean he disappears when the mutant bunnies and 5th dimensional imps show up.