Trivia to keep your mind off of other things...

Jun 14, 2007 08:51

I just realized, upon reading my friends page this morning, that I haven't posted in a week or so. If this LJ thing is going to do me any good, I've got to stick to it, even if I don't have much constructive to say. The job hunt continues to go poorly, and I need to try to lift my spirits by distracting myself.

So, here's some trivial stuff about me. There's even some stuff here that most folks, even my friends, don't know.

I'm much better at taking care of other peoples' stuff than I am my own.

My father married a woman whose first and middle names were the same as his sister's, but swapped. Mom is Suzanne Carol, and my Aunt is Carol Suzanne. My mother, on the other hand, married a man with the same first name as one of her brothers. As a result, her other brother's kids have two "Uncle Larrys". Oh, and they're both legal "Larrys" as well, not Lawrences. I guess the diminutive names thing runs in the family; my maternal grandfather is "Jack."

Aunt Carol lives in Colorado, and manages ski property for the Hunt family. She and her husband Lee are both former Ski Instructors.

I was one of those kids who ran into the SAT math problem that was wrong. One of the times I took it, there was a question which could be answered two different ways, both of which were correct depending on how you considered the problem. As a result, I received only a 790 on that math SAT, instead of an 800. We could have protested and had it amended, but by then, I had already been accepted at Rensselaer Polytech, so it really didn't matter any more. Despite being a math whiz, the numbers didn't mean that much to me.

Also on the subject of math: I won my high school's four-year math award, but upon reaching college, flunked my second semester. Apparently what my high school has considered to be Pre-calculus, was in fact a bunch of worthless garbage. College Calculus left me completely and helplessly lost, as I had not gotten the real groundwork and prep that I needed to comprehend what they were talking about.

I am originally from Toledo, Ohio. I have gone to Mudhens games, eaten at Tony Packo's, done all of the things that Klinger used to talk about on M*A*S*H. Yeah, it's all real. Jamie Farr is a local celebrity, and hosts a ladies' pro golf tour event there every year.

I'm a frustrated performer. I love acting, singing, playing piano... but I very rarely have a chance to show it. The piano thing... I don't get nearly enough chance to practice, so I usually pass on the few opportunities that do come up. I actually own a studio upright, which currently resides at my Dad's house. I also have an electronic keyboard, a holiday gift this past December, and I love it, but the feel is so different from a regular piano that it is really a completely different instrument and requires different skills to use well. I am still a novice at this.

I recall a few of my friends here talking about karaoke recently. They should drag me along against my will.

I have a birth defect - my right thigh bone is twisted. It makes me walk a little funny when I'm not paying attention enough to correct it. I could have had this corrected as a child, but opted against spending six to eight months in a full body cast.

Animals of all sorts love me. I probably should have chosen Veterinary Medicine as a career path, back when I first went to college.

I used to work in Tech Support for a local ISP here in Indy. My shift was graveyard, 11pm-7am, and I was on solo duty the night y2k was supposed to destroy everything. Aside from the office party, it was a pretty boring night.

Although I consider myself a fairly creative guy, I'm usually at my best, artistically, when helping someone else with their creations. In other words, I'm a good writer, IMO, but  great editor. I'm a pretty good singer, but a better voice coach. I can't draw or paint very well, but I have excellent color and composition sense, I'm a considerate and constructive critic, but offer advice beyond quick impressions only when asked.

My favorite musical artist to sing along with in the car is... please don't cringe... Barry Manilow. Yes, I like his stuff, particularly the older ballads, for several reasons. A lot of it fits my vocal range (I'm a baritone but can usually manage most tenor stuff) and style, and there's a good bit of it available in piano books, so I learned to play a lot of it as well. I used one of his songs ("All the Time") as an audition piece for "West Side Story" when I was in college, and received a standing ovation from my fellow hopefuls, even after the director had asked everyone to hold all applause until after everyone was finished singing. If I do get dragged to karaoke, maybe someone will force me to sing "Weekend in New England". Oh, yeah, I did get a part in that production: Glad Hand, the John Astin role from the movie version. No singing, unfortunately, but only because I couldn't, and still can't, dance.

Another college theater memory: I was Props for a production of "Deathtrap". We had several problem with that show, not the least of which was, use of a crossbow (which is integral to the plot) is prohibited in New York State without a hunting license. We had to make our own out of fiberglass, with a light enough pull to be non-damaging to flesh. It shot 1/2" dowel rods rather than true bolts, for better audience visibility. The guy who built it for us was a Grad student whose affectionate nickname was "Crash". Don't ask why. Crash turned out to be a mutual acquaintance of my ex, about twenty years later. Small world, eh?

My mother's youngest brother's second wife is my age. In fact, our birthdays are only a month apart. When they were first dating, I was insanely jealous, as she is extremely cute. Oddly enough, her name ALSO is Sue (see above). I'm also six months older than my youngest cousin from the previous generation.

I have never used any form of recreational drug beyond alcohol, and I drink only rarely on special occasions. I've been truly drunk only twice. Despite being completely "clean" in that sense, I have no particular objection to my friends and family partaking, as long as they are responsible about it and don't try anything stupid while under the influence. I just never really had the desire to try it, and still feel that I don't need it.

I tend to do my best work when under time pressure. Over the years, this has led to a strong tendency to procrastinate. It has gotten bad enough that I have even occasionally postponed my procrastinating.

When I was in fourth grade, some bigger boys were picking on me during recess. The leader pushed things too far, and made me angry. I broke his arm. I hope I never get that angry ever again. It scares me.

Earlier that same year, our class made and delivered valentines. I got one from a girl who was a friend, and it was a sweet and heartfelt expression of friendship. Being the dense and callous clod I was at the time, I made the tremendous mistake of sharing this with some of the boys, who proceeded to tease her unmercifully. I have never forgiven myself for that breach of trust.

I love my friends deeply and fiercely, but it is very hard for me to express this to them. Most of my friends have no idea just how much they really mean to me. This is, however, one area of my life in which I have been truly blessed. I have the most wonderful friends in all of creation.

I seem to lack the speed gene. Moving fast does nothing for me other than make me nervous. I don't care for races at all. I usually don't drive much over the speed limit. I'd rather leave earlier than drive faster. Movie fight scenes often bother me because they jump and cut too fast for me to follow. I wouldn't call myself a tortoise, but I'm definitely not a hare.

I am very texture-oriented, both in touch, and in taste. Often it is the texture rather than the flavor which determines my likes and dislikes in food.

Life, such as it is, still beats the alternative.

Until next time, gentle readers, may your inner child always have the ear, but not the leash, of your outer grownup.

life, trivia

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