finding a knife in my back, a year later...

Feb 05, 2010 13:58

So I'm trying to get my Les Mis website back up and running and updating my pages, making it all nice and uniform. This also means seeking out new pics to use and updating some of the info, especially on the review pages. So I used the Google on one particular obscure item...

and discovered that my ex proofreader had set up a similar set of pages on her own website. The dates are from before she went rogue... but she has apparently gotten into the business of putting up both a Media page and a Gallery page like my own site.

So she was doing this while she was still supposedly my friend. And I never suspected. And she never told me.


The hamster is climbing back in the wheel. And it's turning.

Oh yeah.

fail, les mis, pauc, people who suck

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