crappy awards! I got 'em!

Dec 02, 2009 00:10

so, that thing I posted a few days ago, hoping to win something useful to writers? Like a critique of a first chapter, or a writer's tool kit?

Yeah, I won something. Whee! Know what I won?

A book. A young adult "horror" book. By someone I have never heard of. But Stephenie Meyers, according to the umpteen testimonials on the website for it, thinks it's a WONDERFUL book!

How many F's are there in FUCK NO? Not enough, apparently.

The one crappy prize. And I got it. I told the person running the contest to "award" it to someone else.

Come here, Murphy, let me thank you with my steel toed boots.


(crossposted to the other blog)

fail, dammit, writing

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