oh fer cryin out loud

Oct 15, 2009 12:59

Okay. Here's what it is:

This guy on one of the Nano forums writes what seems to be a simple question: he wants people to contribute questions to him, philosophical type one. Like if there was no greed, what would motivate people? What would happen with money? things like that.

It goes fine for awhile. Then this happened:

some guy asks two questions. The first, he actually flags as "controversial!" asks if it's possible Europe would have been better off if Hitler had won. Yeah, okay, whatever.

The last question he asks is, "how often does the average nun masturbate?"

and WHAM next thing he gets is this TL;DR screeching screed that starts with a prayer to St. Teresa of Avila and goes on to say, "here's what you need to know about Catholic Bashing" and "I've reported you for hate speech" and a whole bunch of copied stuff from Catholic.org and etc.

I feel sorry for the OP at this point; he's from India and probably has no idea WTF is going on. The guy with the two questions obviously borderline trolls, he asked questions GUARANTEED to cause problems. Funny he only flagged the first one since the second one is the one that got the TL;DR at him.

Here's my question: since when is asking a goddamn question hate speech? Hey, simply  by my saying "goddamn" I am offending millions! Come get me!

That question is tasteless and tactless but it is NOT "ZOMG I AM OPPRESSED!"

And it really doesn't help that TL;DR is a noob with no buddies, no author bio, no novel synopsis or title, and a registration date of oh a couple of days ago. Troll flag anyone?

So here's my other question, because this goes hand in hand with the article I read yesterday where the Mormon church is comparing itself to "blacks in the 60's" that the anti Prop 8 backlash is ZOMG OPPRESSION because the church meddled in the elections but they don't want to be called on it.

Is the propensity for groups who do, and admit to, exclusionary practices that border (or cross it, or dance on it, depending on POV) on discrimination and hate speech itself, cry "hate speech" at the first imagined slight

a) a knee jerk reaction
b) a calculated and systematic strategy to negate any possible rebuttal by grabbing the "victim" ball and hoisting it over their heads?

And is it possible, just possible, that by doing so they are alienating those who may not subscribe to their ideas but might otherwise be sympathetic?

Just wondering. It's not like ASKING A GODDAMN QUESTION ever got anyone in trouble, right?

oh and ps: not all nuns are Catholic. Buddhists and Shintoists have nuns as well. Way to be Eurocentric too, dude.

wank, wtf, rant, nanowrimo

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