update 2

Oct 27, 2011 12:54

Quick note: my otherwise useless insurance company has decided to cover all six days of my hospital stay, so I owe them nothing. Just the ambulance and emergency room visits and some random bloodwork.

Paid the rent yesterday and the sewer/water bills, all I need to cover now is the car, electric, gas, and phone and I'm back to normal on the bill payment side. Thanks so much to everyone who donated, who bid on my auctions, who sent good thoughts and internet hugs. Things are looking better now than in a long time, and I don't know how to repay you all for that other than thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, cards will go out the first of November; if you didn't have your address on your donation I'll be emailing you to get it so you can get thanked properly on paper.

bonus: have mostly stopped itching. Best news ever.

state of the arlene, things that are awesome

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