
Oct 22, 2011 14:01

Things are slowly improving. My health is getting better day by day but I'm still tired, weak, and worst of all ITCHY. Seriously, wtf. But I've been able to work the last three days, so the more it goes, the better it gets. Appetite has come back, and more importantly, my taste buds work again. For awhile there, everything tasted horrible. Now most things taste like they should. Supposedly an effect of some of the meds they had me on. Speaking of which, still no medical bills, but never fear, they'll start showing up eventually. I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

Ebay auctions are going pretty well. Donations have been many and heartwarming. Thank you cards will be going out beginning of November.

Got the rent covered but not the car. Trying to find new things to auction. Going through most of my art collection, seeing what will sell.

Thanks to everyone who has donated/bought/sent warm wishes. All appreciated more than I can say. And considering my tendency to babble, that's saying a lot.

state of the arlene

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