bookends! UPDATED

Sep 18, 2011 18:41

Today is National Cheeseburger Day and today I decided that I CAN HAS. Because one happy little bucket of fur is lonely. So I went back to the store today and found Simon's littermate Pouncer and I took him too.

Yeah Duchy is still mad, but I figured a) better go get him before someone else does (and someone was looking at him while I was there, but they put him back, and I glommed onto him and that was that) and b) if I wait to get another one she'll just have to adjust all over again, why not just get it all out of the way? and most important c) Simon is a social little guy, kept trying to get Duchy to play or pal around, and that's not her thing. So why not just get him his brother so they can have a forever home together?

Like when I first got Emile, I saw his littermate and named him Jean and said, "They belong together." Same with these guys. They'll have the best home ever.

Didn't like the name Pouncer, though. Especially since Simon's the one who pounces. This one is a little more laid back. I named him "Morgan." So, Simon and Morgan are my new roommates, and we're all going to live happily ever after. Especially when Duchy stops hiding under the bed growling.

Simon on the left, Morgan on the right.

Morgan has more white on his paws, especially his back legs. Simon's eyes are more copper, and Morgan's more green; Simon's got a shorter tail, and Morgan has a long nose. Not so identical that I can't know which is which...

Black marble cats on a black marble hearth!

Morgan, top; Simon, bottom. Already practicing to be writer's helper cats.

ETA 1: took kittehs to the vet for their final checkup, part of my adoption fees (this group is unbelieveably generous) and they both passed with flying colors, except Morgan's got a little eye booger problem so I got some eyedrops to treat that. For being 1) found on the street and 2) shelter animals they are in fantastic condition. I am very lucky with them.

Also, Duchy has come out of the room. She hisses only when she sees them. If she doesn't see them, they don't exist. She has the attention span of Dory from "Finding Nemo." So, only three days to get to this point. I think she really will be just fine.

More news as it develops. Stay tuned!

i has a happy, made of win, awesomesauce, kitteh, my cats

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