the games have got to go

Jul 19, 2011 11:54

Okay, time to relinquish the Playstation games. This time for sure.

Too much time lost playing the same things over and over, there's nothing more to GET dammit. I need to write and work on things.

So, starting in next week... it all goes up on Ebay. Along with some other very important items I need to get rid of.

Like some comic books... sigh. It's time to let the Matt Howarth collection go. I only took it during the divorce because Dave was a dick about it, I mean they were my comics anyway, I bought them, but he was the bigger fan... and now he's dead I guess counting coup on it is moot, so... why not sell it to someone who'll appreciate it? Yeah...

Also I need the money. Big things are happening right now and I need to prepare for them.

Here we go again... my life is just cycles of buying and selling shit on Ebay. Just like clockwork...

dammit, ebay, game, comics

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