UPDATED Update on my neighbor who fell

Dec 09, 2010 14:07

Remember back in October I wrote about my next door neighbor who fell down the stairs? Well today I heard some movement around his apartment and I see that his stuff is being moved out. That's the bad news. The good news is he is relocating to a downstairs apartment somewhere in the complex. That's good, hopefully it means he will be home soon!

The other bad news is someone else will move in who will not be so quiet. Thank god I found that other place to move in a couple of months. Yes indeedy.

But YAY that Paul is going to be able to come home. Definite yay.

ETA: Note to self, never ask the kid what's going on. Ask the adult. (well crap he was like 20, I figured he had a clue)

Thing is, Paul is nowhere near ready to come home. They were moving his stuff to storage and that way they don't have to pay for that empty apartment. If and when he gets out of the rehab he's in he will probably need assisted living, and that means it's somewhere else.

Damn, I really was hoping for good news on that. His apartment is now empty (I saw when I got home from work) and his truck is gone. So, that's that then.



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