Literature Entry Week 12

May 16, 2008 10:23

Death of

a salesman~ PART TWO

Adding from my thoughts about the play from yesterday: 
I haven’t added a diary entry in a long time....

Dear Diary,

I am so glad I went to the play last night...although it was very very long... for todays discussion in tutorial was expanding our thoughts on the play. 
Todays tutorial was extra special, for I added my opinion to the discussion :P YAY! \^^/ better late than never.....*sigh* 
From the discussions MG really got our brains thinking (even though he had 5 hrs sleep!?) 
Since the play is so long, of course there is a lot of content in the play which we can not fully cover.... 
such as 
QUESTION?! What is the meaning of the flute playing in the background? 
But in the discussion we were asked whether Willy was a tragic hero or a victim? 
To me he was a tragic hero. He has so many opportunities presented to him in life but he never took them, why?
Because of his PRIDE. Why are males always worried about their PRIDE? As seen through the play, it is Willy's PRIDE  and self contemplation which creates his downfall.  
Also adding to MG's comment from the scene where Willy is arguing with Howard, that at one stage in the play he felt sorry for Willy because he worked for the company for so long but at the same time thought Willy was stupid for not letting go. Adding from this thought, I felt the same way! I didn't understand why Willy was yelling at Howard. 
It's not Howard’s fault that he's not getting good pay. He is in control of his own life! Why is he blaming others?
But on the other hand, Howard should not fire him for he has been working in the business even before Howard was born. 
I love how Miller considered both sides of the situation to provoke a great debate towards each individuals answer.
Another point that MG pointed out (lots of points :P) was that when I answered the question I was relating it to my own person background. 
This once again brings it back to us! 
Analyzing Willy as a character my immediate interpretation of him was "old man get a life!" 
This is because my parents watch a lot of documentaries about China in the olden days and how the old generations are complaining about the youth of today.
I do feel sympathy for them in some way, but you MUST accept change. This is the way life goes. 
If you don't you will be left behind, like as Willy. 
I guess his "dream" and goals were not there at the "right moment". Therefore his acceptance in society was not accepted. Leaving him neglected. :( 
Well to end my last LJ for this semester I have written another poem :) 
Background info before reading this poem: 
I was on the train and happened to be sitting behind 2 kids around 10-12? And I was so shocked in what they were saying! So this is what I got from their conversation. 
I hope you all enjoy your holidays and a BIG THANK YOU TO MICHAEL for marking so many LJ and essays this semester (I feel so sorry for you) and giving great feedback to improve your literature! :D 
Hope to see you all next semester~


Child of tomorrow today

Today you are only a child,
looking forward to today. 
You have no worries for the future, 
for you have many other days.

You talk about the past, therefore you are old.
But you are not quite there yet,
for you show that your not bold.

You talk about the future as you ask 
"what you want to be?" 
But child, 
you are still young, for the oldies have already been.

You haven't quiet seen the world, 
through your parent's eyes. 
But at night you always put on a different disguise.

You say you have a girlfriend
that you can handle more than two.
But when I hear about your life 
I know that it's not true!

You fail every subject, 
though you say you're very smart. 
You smoke and drink and fail class
somehow you manage to save your ass.

You recall memories of the past
and say 
"I look so young"
but which past are you looking at?
you still are!

As you leave to meet your girl,
you signal your friend goodbye
with a slap and a clap,
your way of farewell

but in your mind your really saying "goodbye, I'll miss ya".......

By Carmen Wong

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