Week 8
http://nt-carmy.livejournal.com/9206.html Literature Entry Week 8
in the forest
mood: peaceful
music: I'm alive- Celine Dion
Another peaceful week of analyzing Judith Wright's poetry~
She has really got me thinking about my life and how nature affects us all- silently.
Especially in the discussions I think the 2nd discussion topic was fantastic for it broadened all our perspectives and insights in analyzing Wright's poetry.
Wright is truly a magnificent artist to me, for she carefully shapes and crafts her poetry to express her ideas- sometimes straight forward and clearly, other times she wants her readers to ponder her ideas for a while to be contemplative.
In this weeks tutorial we looked at 2 poems, Two Dreamtimes and Patterns.
I really enjoyed analyzing both these poems especially Patterns. I was really amazed when we came to discussing this poem for not many people seemed to like this poem. Why?
To me Wright's ideas are beautifully crafted from her careful use of language structure and the deeper connotations in her sentences
"I shiver by the fire this winter day"
Why is she shivering? Are humans really that horrible and terrifying to her?
But she herself is a human too, is she scared of herself?
Also her use of mockery towards society
"Strontium in the bones (the mass-number of 90) is said to be "a good conductor of electricity"
It's like human beings have no sense of being human anymore. We can't feel or be human because we don't care about ourselves or others, as long as we can improve science which gives us power the rest of the world doesn't matter. Scary when you come to think about it......
As Niki noted of the structure of the poem Two dreamtimes it is constructed like a letter poem. Something I have not written before so here is my attempt~
We all share the same sky, but why different destinies?
(For Sora)
Sora is wide and blue,
to many it's not something new.
He never seemed to worry
if anyone was sorry.
But deep inside I knew
you care so much about the world,
that he didn't have a clue.
The countless forgiveness
(that people just threw).
When I was a child
I already knew,
your wonderful powers
and miracles that you could do.
On cloudy days
you would gather your thoughts,
then all at once
you would throw them like a punch.
Stormy nights and lightning too.
You'd scare little children,
like what you did to me
Although I know it seems like others don't care,
but to me
one is enough
to show and to share.
The world may be different in a second,
so tomorrow may be brighter
or maybe people will seem
I look at you everyday,
morning and night
to acknowledge your greatness
and your gift of sight.
I pray that the future will change,
and that one day
everyone will feel each others pain.
Be connected in some way.
By Carmen Wong