Literature Entry Week 12~ David Malouf live!

Oct 24, 2008 09:35

Converations with David Malouf"

Dearest Diary,

Today we got to meet DAVID MALOUF!!! For MG invited him for a special talk about his novel The Conversations at Curlow Creek.

Having this honorable opportunity to meet this world famous author I couldn't really let it slip without having a photo! :D

Listening to his short explanation about his original intentions for writing this novel I realized he is just like all of us, questioning the world we live in trying to live in the world not survive. He portrayed this aspect through his God given gift- language. Having the right to break the law of literature, by using long and unpunctuated sentences to convey his ideas  in this novel he still declared that for his up coming novel he is not allowed to use these unacademical words.

This showed me that no matter what you do you can never live or be free from being governed by the law for without the law would humans be the same or insane?

Continuing his explanation about his intentions on writing this novel I could slowly understand why it won so many prestigious awards from its connotations hidden behind his use of words, the complex ideas presented and the novel itself just beautiful.

It was interesting about the alternative ending of reality and fantasy.

There are so many choices in life that we must take everyday and yet we always seem to choose the one that is easier or less painful.

It was so sad to hear that the reality IS is that Carney does die.

The hash realities of life once again?

This idea brought me back to a movie I have recently watched called “Pan’s Labyrinth”. We as the audience actually never know whether or not she died and really became a princess or that it was her fantasy that in the end she did become a princess because that is what she died to believe.

It has been an incredible journey to read and understand (although not completely) The Conversations at Curlow Creek. It is fascinating how we can learn and draw so many connections with ourselves that we don’t even realize. I would also like to point out that in some way Malouf’s work is similar to Judith Wright’s work in seeing “inner beauty” in simple things. Just a simple conversation can create and bring so many things towards a human- to question themselves, to look deep inside themselves and to test their understandings whether it may be about the world or their place within it, I’m sure it doesn’t matter just as long as you find what you are looking for and be content with what you have~


P.S MG please let me off for my ungrammatical sentences and words in this post, for I felt the need to express myself through these “gibberish”.

Thank you J
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