Jul 24, 2006 23:10
Monday, July 24, 2006
Oh what the hell.....
Here are some more Sniglets!
Thanks Elizabeth!
110 At The Equator (won' ten at the ek way' tawr) - n. Any burning sensation experienced directly below the navel when putting on a pair of jeans straight from the dryer.
Arachnidiot (ar ak ni' di ot) - n. A person, who, having wandered into an "invisible" spider web, begins gyrating and flailing about wildly.
Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at 3 in the morning and cannot be cast out.
Blithwapping - v. Using anything BUT a hammer to hammer a nail into the wall, such as shoes, lamp bases, doorstops, etc.
Sniglets *
Words that don't appear in the dictionary, but should.
110 At The Equator (won' ten at the ek way' tawr) - n. Any burning sensation experienced directly below the navel when putting on a pair of jeans straight from the dryer.
Accordionated (ah kor' de on ay tid) - adj. Being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time.
Aeroma (ayr oh' ma) - n. The odor emanating from an exercise room after an aerobics workout.
Aeropalmics (ayr o palm' iks) - n. The study of wind resistance conducted by holding a cupped hand out the car window.
Agonosis (ah uh no' sis) - n. The syndrome of tuning into "Wide World of Sports" every Saturday just to watch the skier rack himself.
Airdirt (ayr' dirt) - n. A hanging plant that's been ignored for three weeks or more.
Anaception (an a sep' shun) - n. The body's ability to actually affect television reception by moving about the room.
Animalanche: When you kick your stuffed animals in your sleep and they
fall all over you or the floor. (from Kaffit, age 9)
Anticiparcellate (an ti si par' sel ate) - v. Waiting until the mailman is several houses down the street before picking up the mail, so as not too appear too anxious.
Aquadextrous - adj. Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes.
Aqualibrium (ak wa lib' re um) - n. The point where the stream of drinking fountain water is at its perfect height, thus relieving the drinker from (a) having to suck the nozzle, or (b) squirting himself in the eye.
Arachnidiot (ar ak ni' di ot) - n. A person, who, having wandered into an "invisible" spider web, begins gyrating and flailing about wildly.
Attrinyl (a try' nil) - n. (chemical symbol: At) A black, bulletproof, totally inflexible type of plastic, used primarily in covers of pay phone directories.
B+ Stampede (bee' plus stam peed) - n. The attempt by half the classroom to claim the paper with no name on it.
Backspackle (bak' spak uhl) - n. Markings on the back of one's shirt from riding a fenderless bicycle.
Baldage (bald' aj) - n. The accumulation of hair in the drain after showering.
Bargue (bar' gyoo) - v. To whine, fuss, and complain a great deal while at the same time trying to get someone to see your point of view. Ex: The young child bargued with his father until his father gave in and let him stay up past his bedtime.
Bazookacidal Tendencies (bah zew' kuh sy dal ten' den seez) - n. The overwhelming desire of most individuals to reach out and pop the gigantic gum bubble billowing from someone's mouth.
Beavo (bee' vo) - n. A pencil with teeth marks all over it.
Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at 3 in the morning and cannot be cast out.
Begathon - n. A multi-day event on public television, used to raise money so you won't have to watch commercials.
Bimp (bimp) - n. A blurry or "double-edged" felt-tip marker
Bixplex (biks' pleks) - n. Psychological block in which a person cannot choose which color of disposable lighter to purchase.
Bleemus (blee' mus) - n. The disgusting film on the top of soups and cocoa that sit out for too long.
Blithwapping - v. Using anything BUT a hammer to hammer a nail into the wall, such as shoes, lamp bases, doorstops, etc.
Blivett (blih' vit) - v. To turn one's pillow over and over, looking for the cool spot.
Blooage (blew' ij) - n. The residue left on fingers after using an S.O.S pad.
Blossor - n. The hair style one has after removing a baseball cap.
Blurfle (bler' ful) - v. To be caught talking at the top of one's lungs when the music at the bar or disco suddenly stops.
Caffidget (ka fij' it) - v. To break up a Styrofoam coffee cup into several hundred pieces after consuming its contents.
Voitlock (voyt' lok) - n. When the basketball gets lodged between the rim and the backboard.
Wattbobble (wat' bah bul) - v. To remove a hot light bulb by turning it several seconds, letting your fingers cool, then repeating the process. This is generally followed by the glorious revelation of using your shirttail.
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