Jul 19, 2006 11:28
and I was able to get the first comment in! I feel so special!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Thanks/ Sniglets (a perfect combination)
Just wanted to say that I have a huge smile on my face and really in the best mood ever. Reading all your comments and emails has really made my day! It's funny how simply saying a nice thing to someone can do so much. So if you are reading this I want you to know you mean a lot to me, and I say a prayer that all those that care for me out there are blessed and find happiness. "Thank you for being a friend" (Song to the ever so popular theme song 'Golden Girls')
Ok... now that that CHEESE is done with..... I have a few more Sniglets to share!!! Yeah!
So I am proud to say that the first one I am going to share with you my friends and I made up sitting at Outback Steakhouse (YUM) after taking my neice to DisneyLand on Sunday! (Got a good enough visual?) And I have to say it might be my favorite one ever!
TryThisItis- n. The condition of being too full to eat everything on your plate when you are out to dinner, and thus pawning your food off to everyone at the table while slyly telling everyone " you HAVE to try this!It's so good".
With the successful bout of Trythisitis you will appear to have responsibly finished your entire plate of food, and in turn saving yourself a world of guilt!
Facon- n. The fake bacon bits served at cheap salad bars.
Fictate (fik' tayt) - v. To inform a television or screen character of impending danger under the assumption they can hear you.
Flen (flen) - n. (chemical symbol: Fl) The black crusty residue that accumulates on the necks of old catsup bottles.
Foys (foyz) - n. Missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that you later find stuck to the underside of your arm.
Gertatious (gur tay' shus) - adj. Having the adolescent fear that hanging one's arm over the bed at night will mean being dragged under.
Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
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