Writer's Block: By Any Other Name

Jul 20, 2007 10:33

"If you could rename yourself in real life, what would you choose, and why?" - Question posed by LiveJournal crew.

Well...I have actually thought about this a lot, since I'm actually kinda obsessed with names and naming people and naming my babies and such. At certain times in my life, I've thought "I wish I had a regular name...like Sarah or Jessica or something". But, honestly, I'm a bit too strange to have a name like that. I'm not a Sarah or a Jessica or a [insert any other "average" name that you can think of]. That's just not me. So...if anything, a name like Sonja...spelled with a 'j' is more like me. But...I've got the chance to re-invent me and give myself a new name. I really really like this name that I wanted to give my first daughter, until I met Jason "If my child's name is something other than a tribute to my dad, I don't want it" Brown. That name is Samaire (Sa-mare) Ameist (A-me[soft 'e']-ist). I got the first name from the girl who played Anna in the first season of The OC. I hated her character, but I thought that her name was magical. Ameist is actually a name I made up...sorta. See, when I do crossword puzzles, I tend to stray away from the words that I am supposed to find and find other real words or make up my own words. So, I'm doing one from a magazine and I come across A-M-E-I-S-T (and then I hit a letter that probably didn't make any sense after the 'T' so I stopped). I said it out loud...and then I thought "Huh, that's pretty cute. I like that." And it's stuck with me since. That's been infinity years ago...and I've put the 2 names together...and it was heaven on earth. I'm not sure if I'll get that name to my first born babe (though Jason may be okay with Samariah instead of Samaire...), but if I could change my name, that's what I'd pick.

rename me, writer's block

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