Oww... owww... shit, damn, ow.

May 09, 2006 15:58

I may have sprained my ankle on my way home from job training.

Wouldn't that be just my luck, to be unable to work the first week of my job due to an ankle sprain? Shit.

Today is not my week. Yesterday, I nearly get killed five times, then find out I need fillings. Today, I survive all the tromping around cemetaries and being eaten alive by black flies, only to roll my ankle and hurt it on the way to a friend's car for a drive home. I'm giving it the R and E elements of the RICE treatment. I don't want to attempt the stairs (in my current condition, I suspect the attempt wouldn't end well), the freezer is upstairs and I don't have a compression bandage with me, hence the lack of I and C.

The ankle is swelling and hurts to move, and it has the tight, off feeling I associate with a sprained joint. Just my bloody luck. If it is a sprain, it'll set back my physical training and my shooting, both of which I've just started up again in earnest.

If it still hurts when Dad gets back (and if it is a sprain, it'll hurt more by the time he gets back), I'll have him take a look at it.

Owww... I got cold today (spending two hours outside at 13C on a windy day in a tank top because you didn't know you'd have to go outside and thus forgot a jacket - oh, and one hour and thirty minutes of which was spent with a worsening sunburn on your arms - will do that to a person) and shivering is making my ankle hurt more.

And I had entirely too much coffee and not enough food today so I'm nauseous. Bleagh. I didn't even have that much coffee - it's just that the stuff they had was stronger than I'm used to.

It's just not my day.

So long.
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