GRAH! Grah, and death to idiot drivers!

May 08, 2006 17:20

It's a simple fact that going to the dentist's office should not be a life-threatening endevour. Thanks to the idiot drivers out on the road, it was. No less than FIVE TIMES.

Idiot Driver #1 was a log truck driver. This idiot must have been drunk, or stoned, or both because he was weaving all over the road. I counted 5 near accidents, one of which was caused by him swerving all over the road after nearly going into the ditch - we nearly rear-ended him.

Idiot Driver #2 was surely in a rush to get home. That is no excuse to turn left across a frickin' highway when there's oncoming traffic. Again, mom had to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident. This one would have been head-on going at 90km/hr. The idiot's impatience nearly cost three human lives and the lives of our two dogs. I hope he's proud.

Idiot Driver #3 must have learned to drive from Idiot Driver #2. He turned on to the road without even glancing sideways to see if there was oncoming traffic (which, since I've included him in the rant, there obviously was). For the third time in less than thirty minutes, we slammed on the brakes to avoid an accident.

Idiot Driver #4 completely ignored the fact that a double yellow line means you don't pass. Fourth time in less than thirty minutes that we nearly were killed.

Finally, Idiot Driver #5 decided to try to race us at a crosswalk. Were it not for the fact that I saw him and called my mother's attention to the fact that he wasn't stopping, there would have been an accident.

What is with people?! Is it worth killing someone to shave 10 seconds off your drive or satisfy your thirst for something stronger than caffiene before your shift is over? GAH!

This is why I think there should be mandatory retesting for all drivers every 5 years, even if it's just a written test. Also, if you're caught doing something idiotic and dangerous like that, you should have your liscense revoked immediately and have to start over the graduated liscense system from scratch. Maybe if there were some real consequences for driving like you have manure where your brain should be, people wouldn't be such utter arses on the road.

Thank you. That is all.

Cross-posted to BIA because I'm incredibly pissed off.
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