By the way, I didn't mention it in the App because I didn't feel it very important, but I wanted to check with a mod anyway: My RL friend has a fully German parent, and she knows a little "around-the-house German" like cursing and simple phrases or words etc. simply because her mother has spoken it secondarily around her since she was little, though she can't speak it fluently. I was wondering if it would be okay for Lyra to know some "around-the-house Russian", or if that would be considered Sue-ish. I know that knowing other languages is usually a red flag for this sort of thing, so I was just going to ask to make sure it's alright.
Around the house Russian is acceptable. We've had some foreign born characters in the past and still have a few that speak around the house French. So long as it's not overbearing and thrown into every thread, we don't have a problem with it.
By the way, I didn't mention it in the App because I didn't feel it very important, but I wanted to check with a mod anyway: My RL friend has a fully German parent, and she knows a little "around-the-house German" like cursing and simple phrases or words etc. simply because her mother has spoken it secondarily around her since she was little, though she can't speak it fluently. I was wondering if it would be okay for Lyra to know some "around-the-house Russian", or if that would be considered Sue-ish. I know that knowing other languages is usually a red flag for this sort of thing, so I was just going to ask to make sure it's alright.
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