Bernadette Wilson

Mar 05, 2007 17:42

Name (or alias): Kate
LJ: astraevirgo
AIM SN: Optional: astraev

Name: Bernadette Corina Wilson
LJ: bernadette_cw
Played By/Physical Description: Jenna Fischer. Hazel eyes, brown hair, she's around average height for a female (5'5"), and slight of build but muscular as a result of auror training.
Age/Birthdate: 22 / January 3, 1984
Gender: Female
Wand: Walnut, 8.5 inches, phoenix tail feather
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthplace/Location: Born in Carnmoney, Northern Ireland -- a suburb of Belfast. Currently stationed at Hogwarts.
Status or Class: Working class.
Pet Name/Species: None

OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Arithmancy: E
Ancient Runes: E

NEWT Scores:
Astronomy: n/a
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: n/a
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Arithmancy: E
Ancient Runes: n/a

10 Words to describe your character: Mischievous, traditional, leader, tomboy, adventurous, intelligent, compassionate, determined, constant, loyal.


Bernadette likes tradition. Her family had been practicing it for twenty years before she was born, and now is practicing it with her large collection of nieces and nephews. She is comfortable with the large family parties where the same stories and jokes are told, and she loves the fact that she can predict exactly when her brothers will challenge each other to a game of rugby in the back garden. (She also loves that they let her play.) Her family's Catholic faith strengthens and supports these traditions. Bernadette tries, as often as possible, to attend Mass.

Bernadette is also a thrill seeker, and an adventurer. She's the first one to come up with ideas for things that are probably not all that advisable. In her fourth year, she managed to convince a couple of other kids to light fireworks in the common room to shoot them out of the window. She has some skills as a leader, and sometimes she uses them for evil. However, as she's gotten older, with the responsibilities of prefect and then Head Girl and then with her Auror training, some of that has been worked out of her -- but she's still mischievous when she can be. This is the reason she made sure that the firstie heist went on, despite the less than receptive atmosphere in the school.

Bernadette is compassionate. She loves children, and she loves living in their world. But this personality trait is present in other parts of her life. Bernadette would be the first at your bedside if you ended up in St. Mungos. She cries when she learns of her acquaintances dying, she gets angry when she feels that she probably could have done something if she had been there. Bernadette is also constant -- she will wait beside your beside for months. She will keep on keeping on even if there is no end in sight -- she's got the emotional fortitude to take on this war.

Bernadette's religion is her solace. When Bernadette is upset, she seeks out a Church. Bernadette's schedule doesn't always allow her to attend Mass, but when she gets a chance she likes to meditate and venerate the host. Her meditation helps her keep a check on the emotions that cloud her judgment -- she knows that sitting in the peace, quiet, and dark make her feel better. She wears a St. Christopher medal around her neck, a present from her mother upon her graduation from the Auror training.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Bernadette is brilliant at wandwork. DADA, Charms, and Transfiguration -- her O classes -- honed her dueling skills, and she likes to consider herself the magical equivalent of a sharpshooter. She thinks quickly on her feet, which makes her an excellent duelist.

When emotion is not involved, Bernadette is a good judge of the strengths and weaknesses of those around her. She also knows how to use them for the best possible outcome. (She knew who to ask for fireworks, for example, and flattered them into putting on a show.) This is the origin of her leadership skills. However, her compassion and emotions often cloud this type of judgment.

Bernadette's drive and determination saw her through school and obtaining her dream. They allow her to accomplish just about everything she sets her mind to, barring her other weaknesses as stumbling blocks and dead ends.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

Bernadette doesn't do so well when she sits back and plans things out -- thus the problem with Herbology, where she hesitates, and Potions, where she has to follow multiple directions. There's too much time to think, and thus too much time for her emotions to creep in and mess her up. She's much better under pressure than she is when she's given time to think. She would rather be on the front line than in an office, and she'd rather fight battles than wars. However, she has the patience and compassion, and basic humanity to wait out a war.

Bernadette, having grown up as one of the boys, is not very good at recognizing romantic attraction in the opposite sex. She can recognize lust, and has acted upon that on occasion, but her romantic relationships have been short and full of miscommunications and misunderstandings.

Bernadette forms emotional attachments easily. She lives in a world where she has a kinship with everyone she meets well, in a passing sense. She believes in the best in people, she wants to believe that the people she meets are genuinely nice. This makes her job as an Auror hard, especially when contacts disappear and reappear floating in the Thames.


By the time Bernadette was six, and old enough for her to be writing essays about what she wanted to be when she grew up, her father and four oldest brothers were all in uniform. She admired them, and their stories. When her second oldest brother died Bernadette wanted revenge. She didn't want to hurt the people who killed her brother, she wanted all bad people to pay for what they did, she wanted them behind bars. Things are still this simple for her, though she recognizes that there are moral ambiguities, she believes actions have consequences always.

Bernadette has always lived in occupied territory, has always lived as a minority and (as much as she would hate to admit it) in fear. She has a certain desire to live as a free person, not persecuted, and without having to look over her shoulder. She believes that people deserve to live free, and she's going to fight for that right.


Bernadette was born a suburb of Belfast during the height of The Troubles. She was the seventh child -- and first daughter -- of the seventh son. Bernadette was thus the darling of a very large patriarchal, republican, and Catholic family. Her father and brothers serve the city, as firefighters or police men. She didn't act much like a girl, playing Cops and Robbers in the neighborhood (she was always a cop, never a robber). She greatest ambition was to grow up to be a cop just like her father.

Bernadette lead a normal Catholic life, for a young girl in Northern Ireland. She was always accompanied on the streets by a much older person, walked to and from school, and shielded from most of the violence. She gave confession when she was seven, took communion when she was eight, and would have been confirmed into the Church when she was 13 without incident, but she received a letter from Hogwarts.

Having read the letter from Hogwarts, Bernadette's parents called the family priest, seeking advice. Knowing how respected the Wilsons were in the community, and knowing that Bernadette was a good Catholic girl, the priest leaned on the liberal side, saying that a talent was a gift from God and must be nurtured. Thus, Bernadette received permission to attend Hogwarts.

Her parents were glad that finally, perhaps she could go to school in peace. Bernadette found the atmosphere of Hogwarts not all that different from the warring between the Protestants and Catholics from her hometown.

In Bernadette's first year, she was one of the very first firsties to be heisted in what became a yearly tradition at Hogwarts.

When Bernadette was in her second year, her second oldest brother died in a suicide bombing in Belfast. While some of her classmates could commiserate with the loss of a family member, none of them understood much about the conflict in Northern Ireland. However, it was this incident that she discovered that there was a magical equivalent of a police man: the auror. From the moment of her knowledge of her brother's death, and from the moment that she found out that she could be a magical police officer, Bernadette knew that she would seek to protect the innocent and prosecute the blameful. It wasn't an idle fantasy anymore, it became her drive and ambition.

In 1998, when Bernadette was 15 years old and in her 4th year, the Good Friday Agreement was signed, and the Troubles ended. She returned home that summer to a Northern Ireland that would choose its own fate, but continue to be occupied. Bernadette knew the feeling, it was the same feeling she knew from living at Hogwarts.

After receiving her OWL results, she began to worry about her ability to make it into the Auror program. Knowing that she needed five NEWTs of E or better, she opted to take six classes to better her chances. She wasn't sure if she could make the grade in herbology, and knowing that her grade in Herbology effected her grade in Potions, she was a worried about making the marks. As a fifth year, she was made a prefect. As a seventh year, she was made Head Girl.

She was finally free of schooling as she reached the fourth June after she left Hogwarts. She graduated from the Auror Academy, and was immediately assigned to the most boring tasks possible -- intimidating children pulling magical pranks. When Hogwarts called for Aurors to be stationed within their walls, Bernadette was assigned there, mostly because of her relative inexperience.

Bernadette was involved with the investigation surrounding the infamous Slytherin Party, and organized the annual Firstie Heist with extra safety precautions.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Listing Here
Friends: To be Backstoried
Other: To be Backstoried

Special Considerations: I would like her to have been a prefect and then Head Girl in her time in Hogwarts. I'd also like her to have a Nimbus 2000 broom -- a splurge purchase, but one she justified to herself as being needed to be a good auror.

Prior School: Hogwarts
What house were they in?: Gryffindor
Why were they in that house?: Bernadette is daring; she looks for adventure, she's not afraid to get dirty. These traits lead her to be rough and tumble in her Hogwarts days, hanging out with the guys. She has an inner source of courage that let her grow up strong, despite the conflicts she grew up around. Courage and daring is how she acts upon her Gryffindor traits.
Occupation: Auror

MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: None.

Character Alliance: Good.

status: dropped, player: kate

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