Name (or alias): Ashley
getaway_machineAIM SN: Optional: brave x crazy
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Nathaniel Theodore Woods
nathaniel_woodsPlayed By:Percy Daggs III
Birthdate: March 4th, 1990
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Wand: 10 inch, dragon heartstring, mahogany
Blood: Halfblood -- both parents are wizards, but his mom's a muggleborn wizard and his dad was born to a pureblood dad and a muggleborn mom.
Birthplace: Leicester, England
Location: Leicester, England
Status or Class: Middle
Race/Culture/Religion: Black/English/None
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Madeline Andrea Woods/42/Healer at St. Mungo's
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Kenneth Oswald Woods/48/Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Eugene Woods/12/Hogwarts Student
Pet Name/Species: Ozzie/Rat
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: D
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Ancient Runes: A
Other Subject #2: Divination: E
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A
10 Words to describe your character: stubborn, opportunistic, intelligent, congenial, closed off, jealous, protective, analytical, calculating, petty
Personality: Nathaniel is not a quiet kid. He'll make his opinions, about people especially, loud and clear, and too bad if you don't agree. He's not the most loyal person in the world, unless it suits him to be, or unless a person has done something that means, to him, they deserve his loyalty. He hates being wrong, about anything, and so will fight about his opinions/thoughts and won't easily admit to someone else being right if it means that he loses.
He's not someone that is easy to get to know. He doesn't let very many people in, and has no interest in having a lot of pointless and irrelavent relationships -- whether that refers to friendships or otherwise. This isn't to say that he has no friends, but just that he doesn't actually care about most of them in any sort of deep way, and trusts an even smaller number of them.
Nathaniel is definitely a jealous sort of person, though -- when he does care about someone, or something, he tends to want to keep it to himself, and it irritates him when he can't.
Nathaniel has the strong desires to achieve something; it's just that, generally, his ambition lives in the short term. He makes a goal, he sets out to do it, and until he gets it done that's what he works for. Long term desires are things he hasn't thought about too much, it's true, but once he decides what he wants out of life, he'll go for with all the same determination that he's given every short term desire he's ever had.
Nathaniel doesn't value chivalry, at all. He's not into the whole 'treat a girl like a lady' or defending his honor or whathaveyou. He doesn't admire many people; but those he does admire are the people who get things done. Because though he doesn't look to any real long-term goals just yet, there is nothing better than when you plan something and see it finish and work, to Nathaniel.
As far as beliefs and a stance on the important things going around him -- most especially, the war -- Nathaniel is largely apathetic. If it doesn't affect him in a direct way that he can see and recognize, he's not likely to care overly much about it. He's a selfish person, and he's self-centered, so he's much more concerned with the things that change his day-to-day life.
Strengths: Both magical and personality: He excells in Potions, and he's pretty good with Transfiguration, too. He enjoys Astronomy, and does decently in that class as well.
He comes off as very sure of himself, and so most people would think that he is quite confident. He has a knack for pulling things off, too -- usually, if he plans something, he'll be able to go through with it and make it work, mostly because he doesn't forget about his plans and he rarely gives up on them. If he really wants something, he'll generally find a way to get it.
He comes up with these crazy ideas. He's not very good with his wand, but he'll find ways to use it that are useful, or he'll figure out how to slip a potion into someone's drink. He'll sneak around and discover things about people to use as blackmail later, if he can. He studies people/things, though not necessarily school things. Sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he doesn't, but he likes to know things that he can use for later; and he likes to use them against people, too, if/when he can.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: He sucks hardcore in Charms. He's slightly less awful, but still generally bad, with Herbology. History of Magic is boring, so blah. DADA, being heavily linked with Charms, is not so much a strength. He does marginally okay in the class, but struggles. He's also in Divination, which he finds interesting enough, but has no skill in whatsoever. (Actually, he kind of likes to mock Div... >.>)
His stubbornness goes both ways; many times he'll simply refuse to believe that he's wrong, no matter what the situation. He's insecure, though this isn't the most obvious thing in the world as he puts himself off as quite sure of himself. He doesn't have very many friends, and can tend to get sulky if those he does have make him angry/sad/whatever.
Also, the fact that he's apathetic means that, a lot of the time, he'll have a hard time understanding where people are coming from if it's a discussion about the big picture; not because he can't see the big picture, because he can, but because he fails to understand how people can be so invested in it.
Fears: Eggs. He doesn't like eggs for breakfast, and he really hates it when other people eat them. When he was little, someone told him that even though you ate the egg, it was still a baby chicken and could possibly hatch in your stomach. Even though he doesn't believe that anymore, he still doesn't like eating them.
Okay, seriously, um. He fears those few friends that he does have turning on him and leaving him, because there aren't many people out there that he cares about, so he tends to be overly... protective/needy with the ones that he does have, even if he tries not to act that way.
History: Nathaniel grew up in wizarding London with his parents, Madeline and Kenneth Woods, who were Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, respectively. He has a younger brother who is currently a second year in Hogwarts. He gets along with his family decently; he's not overly close to them, but he has nothing against them either. They aren't rich but they aren't poor; basically, they're an average family. His mom works at St. Mungo's and his dad works in the Ministry -- some boring desk job, but it pays the bills. He wasn't overly spoiled as a kid but he got on alright. He always expected to go to Hogwarts, and was excited when he finally received his letter and was sorted into Slytherin. :D
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. 5'7", black skinned with black hair and black eyes, whatever the average weight is for his height. He's not muscular, but not like... fat, by any means. His hair kind of fro's sometimes, which he thinks is pretty awesome, actually.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: er. He has family? He's not particularly close to any of them, though.
Friends: Optional: HANNAH. ::cough::
Other: Optional: uhh. none?
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. None, I don't believe. No broom, no special powers... :)
Year: 5th
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house?
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
When Nathaniel wants something, he goes after it, and he doesn't really accept failure once he's set a goal unless he's absolutely forced to accept it. He's not above lying, blackmail, and cheating to gain something that he wants, that's for sure. If he can do things the right way and get what he wants, then that's fine, too -- so long as the end result is the same. He's definitely one of those 'the end justify the means' sort of person.
He's jealous and likes to keep things he considers to himself; he's cunning, in his own way, in coming up with pranks and carrying them out and such, and he has ambition -- just, not the sort of ambition to be Minister of Magic, or anything so high as that. When he sets his goals, though, he sticks to them, and will, most of the time, bring them to fruition. And once he decides what he wants out of life, that goal won't be any different than any of the others he's had over the years.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) uh, nothing?
Nathaniel was bored. Oh, sure, there was homework and such that he could be doing, but where was the entertainment in that, really? He was out on the grounds, looking to run into someone fun -- whether that person was a friend that he could plan a prank with, or someone that he could prank on, he didn't really care. He made his way down towards the lake, amusing himself by kicking a hacky-sack along in front of him.
Character Secrets: none? THIS MAKES HIM SEEM SO BORING. ;_;
Character Alliance: Neutral, pretty much. He doesn't bother with the 'nonsense' about the war, for the most part, if he can help it. As far as what could sway him to one side or the other... honestly? If either side hurt someone he cared about, he would be automatically on the other side, whichever it happened to be. He's probably just barely slightlyalmostunnoticeably leaning towards the side of Voldemort right now, but honestly, he's rather apathetic about the whole deal.