Riley McGranahan

Sep 15, 2006 20:55

Name (or alias): Morgan, but Gabby tells me you already have a Morgan, so you can call me Roomie if you like. Haha!
LJ: frelianprincess
AIM SN: Optional: rileymcgranahan

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Riley Anne Sophia Marie McGranahan
LJ: rileymcgranahan
Played By: Kelly Clarkson
Birthdate: April 1, 1988
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Wand: Hawthorne and Sphinx hair, 8 1/2 inches.
Blood: Pure
Birthplace: Just outside of Dublin
Location: See above
Status or Class: Upper
Race/Culture/Religion: Irish
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Gerald McGranahan, member of the Department of Accidental Magic
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Amara McGranahan, deceased.
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: None
Pet Name/Species: A cat named Juliet
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Arithmancy, O
Other Subject #2: Divination, A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: O
Herbology: A/E
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Optional Other Subject #1: Arithmancy, O
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: untrusting, cruel, snarky, non-committal, blunt, straight-forward, snobby, paranoid, temperamental, conniving

Personality: Riley isn’t exactly what one would call stable. She physically cannot trust anyone, and hates almost everyone she meets on principle. She was raised to believe that no one was worthy of her, especially not Muggles or Mudbloods. She will, however, pretend to like purebloods because it makes her look good, and nothing is more important to her than her image. She will also do anything to get what she wants. Short of murdering someone, that is. She’s downright cruel to those she feels are inferior, and will never hide her anger. She has a tendency to lose all self-control about the same time she loses her temper, and this has resulted in her doing a lot of rather stupid things. Like fight people who are bigger than her. She’s been in the hospital wing more times than she can remember.

On top of all these flaws, her major one is her fear of commitment. Her mother died and her father’s heart broke to the point he couldn’t love anymore, not even her, so he more or less abandoned her. Ever since, she’s been absolutely terrified that the same thing will happen to her and she’ll get hurt. Therefore she pushes everyone away and refuses to get close to a soul. She’s had a large amount of flings, but never anything important.

Personality Strengths and Weaknesses: Overall, Riley sees herself as a strong girl. She’s never been affected by what people think or say about her. She’s kept herself from being hurt for years. She’s quite talented at getting her way, even if it means manipulating people in the process. She’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and always voices her opinions unless it suits her better interests to keep her mouth shut.

However, each of these strengths are also her weakness. She keeps people away so she doesn’t get hurt, but she’s also never truly happy. She manipulates people, including her friends, so she can trust no one. She figures if she can be this petty and dishonest, then anyone can. She’s very blunt, and almost always tells people the truth about themselves, but in general people don’t like the truth. They’d much rather have everything sugar coated for them. Her biggest weakness, however, is her fear of commitment. And while most guys would love a girl like her (an easy lay, no strings attached), this fear causes her to push the guys that would be good for her away, and she’s missing out on a lot of the good things in life, such as love.

Riley’s always had an aptitude for charms. There’s something about being able to make a plate tap dance or something along those lines that comes very easy to her. She’s done decently in Transfiguration, DADA, and Potions, but she works ridiculously hard to keep her Potions grade up to par. Her favorite class, however, is Arithmancy. She loves it because there she can actually solve problems. You can’t in real life.
Riley’s terrible at a lot of things. Potions first and foremost. She manages to keep her grades in the ‘E’ range, but only through much studying, practicing, and tutoring. Potions reminds her too much of cooking, and she’s just as bad at that. She’s also awful at Divinations. And History of Magic for the same reason. She’s the type of person who lives in the here and now, not the future or the past. She’s not a fan of herbology either. She’s never had to keep anything alive other than her cat, and Juliet is rather self-sufficient. She’s also bad at Astronomy. It was a late class and she had trouble paying attention.

Fears: Riley’s afraid of spiders. Just….BECAUSE. They’re gross and ugly and…*shudders*. She’s also terrified of commitment. More than anything. Mainly because she was emotionally abandoned by her father and feels that all men are out just to hurt her. She’s also afraid of sleeping. She needs to take sleeping potions because she’s afraid the night terrors she’s had since her mother’s death will come back. Hence, she’s also afraid of losing someone she loves.

History: The only child of purebloods Gerald and Scarlett McGranahan, Riley grew up rather spoiled. She had the best of everything. Her mother more or less let Riley do whatever she wanted because she wanted her daughter to truly live her life before she was forced to marry and have children. Riley was always closer to her mother than her father because her mother was so open and caring and her father was so strict. Sadly, her mother was murdered when she was 10. Her murderers were (or so she was told) unprovoked Mudbloods, and if she didn’t hate them before, she certainly did now. She didn’t know that her parents were Death Eaters until she was older and the prejudice was so deeply pressed into her that she couldn’t even consider that her mother might have been wrong. Ever since the death of his wife, Riley’s father has kept his daughter at a distance. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her. Oh no. He was scared of getting attached and then losing her as well. Riley didn’t see it that way. She felt like he abandoned her. That he didn’t love her because she wasn’t worthy of love. Hence she became terrified of commitment and was determined to never fall in love.

Riley is incredibly jealous of her cousin Samantha Jones. This smudge on her mother’s pristinely pure bloodline had a loving family. People who cared about her. She was happy. And Riley, who’d done everything a proper witch should, was alone and miserable. She more or less tortured the poor girl the whole time they were growing up. And continues to do so. She’s the only person who will call Sam on how cruel she can really be, and this usually leads to some unkind words from the Jones’ girl’s “posse”.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Shoulder length brown hair with blonde chunks, although she likes to change her hair color on random whims. Sometimes it might be blonde, sometimes brown. It depends on her mood. Ah, the wonders of cosmetic charms. Hazel eyes. Very short. About 4’10”. Maybe. She’s rather fair skinned, because she physically can not tan. She’s also ridiculously thin, to the point of looking unhealthy. It’s not that she doesn’t eat. In fact, she eats more than most girls can. She just never gains weight.

Year: 7th
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house? Riley knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. She’s sly and conniving and will use absolutely any means to achieve her ends. She’ll lie and cheat, and even sleep around to get herself into higher positions of society. And occasionally to get better grades. She’s a blood elitist and looks down on those less worthy. Basically, she is Slytherin incarnate.

Riley stretched out in the grass and flipped through the latest issue of Witch Weekly only to push it aside in dismay. She had been doing anything and everything to keep herself from going crazy with boredom and nothing was working. She rolled over onto her back and brushed her hair out of her face with a sigh. There is nothing worse than having nothing to do. Well, there are quite a few things that are worse than that, but this was pretty bad. When she was bored, she started thinking of things she didn't really want to think about. The owl from her father in particular. Arranged marriage her arse. She would never marry someone she didn’t love. Therefore she wouldn’t ever marry. She groaned, putting her arm over her eyes so the sun didn't blind her and trying her best to push those thoughts out of her head for good. She barely even noticed the person walking over to her.

Character Secrets: She has no secrets. Everyone knows everything about her. Sort of. She doesn’t have any major secrets, at least. But she will lie about how she feels about things.

Character Alliance:Um…Riley does what she wants. Whatever is best for her is what she’ll do. She won’t pick a side. At least not yet.

status: dropped, player: roomie

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