Raleigh Alice McKenna

Jul 29, 2006 23:32

Name (or alias): Kim
LJ: candauleswife
AIM SN: idleclockwork

Name: Raleigh Alice McKenna
LJ: livelyraleigh
Played By: Siri Svegler
Birthdate: 20th of November, 1980
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Wand: 9 ¼ inches of Kingswood with a phoenix feather core.
Blood: Muggleborn
Location: Manchester, England
Status or Class: Lower-Middle class
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/British/ Born Catholic, slipped into Agnosticism.
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Tom/56/Farmer
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Rosy/53/Cleaner
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations:
Kate/29/Office Secretary
Pet Name/Species: Scrap/Kneazle, Sneak/Jarvey
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: P
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Muggle Studies: A
NEWT Scores:
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic:
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Muggle Studies: A
10 Words to describe your character: Vibrant, righteous, outgoing, stubborn, affectionate, committed, timorous, intrepid, audacious.

Personality: Raleigh is to say the least, a very opinionated person. She has a point of view that she wants to share, at all times, about all issues and situations. She is open to everyone, she wears her heart on her sleeve, and she has a very strong sense of justice and what is right or wrong. She can think of nothing more worthy than defending her opinion, and will do just that regardless of how outnumbered she is. During school she was faster to throw a punch than a hex- old habits die hard, but she is pressing herself to utilise all that she learnt in school including those spells and hexes that she had an affinity for.

It is hard to sway Raleigh or her opinion, she will only ever let someone else be right if they have evidence, and even then more often than not she is still right. She loves to talk, and loves to meet new people, or old people, or any people. She is very warm and affectionate, and wishes that everyone else was just as open as she is. She has a firm loyalty to her family, friends, and her cause.

She was the absolute middle child in a big family, but does not at all feel lost in her siblings‘ accomplishments. She knows very well that she has her own identity, and she knows that they all love her, and that she has done things that are different to what any of them will ever accomplish. She holds no resentment for her siblings, and feels close to them despite her being a witch. They were the people who allowed her to become a witch, and they are the people who will support her regardless. This has given her a great sense of belonging in the wizarding world, and has strengthened her resolve to demonstrate that to others, and to defend the right of all Muggleborns to live peacefully as wizards or witches.

Raleigh is a woman of action. Physical actions, or magical actions, both mean more than words, although she knows that she has to use words first before she resorts to anything else. She loves to touch, whether it’s a handshake, a hug, or a kick to someplace inappropriate to mention in an application. Gestures have always meant more than words ever will (although that does not mean that Raleigh is a quiet individual, no, not at all).

Strengths: After growing up as child on a farm where she had tasks and chores, she was very much a little country bumpkin, and when she went to school she found that she had a natural affinity for Herbology, and later also Care of Magical Creatures. Charms was not something that she had an affinity for, but she was interested by it and knew that she needed to excel in a subject which had real uses in the world. Because of the effort that she put into Charms, she was also able to comprehend Defence Against the Dark Arts, and after being bullied and seeing bullying occur, she knew that this too was an important subject to learn. The fact that she prefers action, and the fact that she has a strong will, both contribute to her being able to duel with some efficiency, however she has never harboured any wish to be an Auror. The ministry to her has always stood for order, and she prefers a bit more freedom.

She struggled for a few years after leaving school to find a use for those things that she was naturally good at- she loved both Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, however she had never thought that any career besides groundskeeping could combine the two, and following that could never find a career that involved all four of her favourite subjects. It was a few years after she left school that she uncovered a career and talent that she could do, and though it may not be classified as a ’strength‘, wand-making will in the future be developed as a rare talent because of these combined strengths, especially the affinity with magical creatures.

Raleigh has always had a lot of inner fire and drive, but she needs to have it directed at something. This has never been some greater inner ambition, so would never make her a suitable Slytherin, but instead it has allowed her to be committed to ideals, and so very stubborn and head-strong that it takes a lot of will to compete with her. She has her morals, and her ethics, and she stands by them and expects others to adopt them as well, The outgoing and vibrant nature allow her to sometimes successfully inspire others, and even if it doesn’t, it is certainly still enough to fuel her.

Weaknesses: Raleigh’s magical talent is not well-rounded, she had too much interest in what was fun rather than what was practical. As such she doesn’t know a thing about Transfiguration or Potions, and both of them are integral things to have knowledge about when you face an opponent who does know about them… and most of Raleigh’s opponents do. She cannot cast a healing charm, or make a healing draught, because she doesn’t have enough prior knowledge.

She could never claim to be well educated, she isn’t eloquent, and she knows very little about anything apart from Charms, creatures, plants, and hexes. She is a follower, she doesn’t have the leadership capabilities to make a good corporal, sergeant, or commander. She is certainly not a thinker, and it isn't very often that she knows how to compromise. She isn't lazy (although she was in her later school years), and that isn't what stops her from learning new things, she is simply busy, and doesn't know how to dedicate time to herself... although she really should learn how to, or simply learn how to think.

Raleigh is impulsive and intrepid. Although it can sometimes be seen as a good thing, more often than not Raleigh’s lack of thought, and charging in, make her irrational. She will enter into a situation outnumbered and this is not a good thing, she gives no thought to the consequences, but if she did give a little more thought, or brainstorm possible solutions, she would find that there are indeed better ones than just going for it. She doesn’t, so she never does chose the more effective or safest solution.

Fears: As any sane Muggleborn of recent years, Raleigh is terrified about Death Eaters, but knows that her fear will inevitably do nothing, and so forces herself to go against them. She is quite sure of herself, so does not fear parts of herself, and she knows that her family will always love her unconditionally so it’s afraid of failure in the more common sense. What Raleigh is desperately afraid of is that her family could be endangered by her choice to become an Order member, and right along with that is a horrible fear that one day she will either be forced to duel against Raza in a hostile environment, or that he will be found out. She knows that if he is ever found out, a fate worse than death awaits him.

History: Having only a small amount of subjects allowed Raleigh to get good grades for her NEWTs, despite being the loser in fights over blood several times throughout the year, and despite her active social life. The unfortunate thing was that because she had focused on what she did well, she hadn't focused on what she needed for a future career. This resulted in Raleigh becoming a part-time worker at both Florean Fortesques and the Leaky Cauldron. As much as she told herself that they were temporary, she ended up working at both places for quite a while. Her break came when she got a full-time job at Eeylops after being made redundant at the Leaky Cauldron.

For six months Raleigh happily worked both jobs, trying to get ahead. On her twenty-first birthday a new oporunity beckoned, and due to a strange meeting wherein Raleigh showed her affinity for creatures, she ended up being invited to visit Ollivanders regularly. Eventually this turned to her being taught about wand cores and woods, and finally it turned into a formal apprenticeship. She reduced her work at Eeylops to part-time, and quit Florean Fortescues. The following year she purchased a Kneazle which she named Scrap, and found a Jarvey whom she gave some food and couldn’t get rid of, she named the sarcastic thing Sneak.

Her new pets were not the only change in her life, she found that the wizarding world was becoming a darker place, and this was confirmed by an attack on Diagon Alley. Raleigh was there with her wand, defending her point of view, and watching the back of a man she hadn't even met before. She escaped alive, with no life-threatening injuries, and after being invited to join the Order, Death Eater raids became something she saw a lot. The young man from Diagon Alley was also invited to join, so much to Raleigh's delight, they became friends. She also moved back into the farm, thinking that she could best defend her family there.

When Raleigh turned twenty three she was introduced by Jean Claude- the young man that she had first met during the Diagon Alley attack- to one of his friends. At first she found the friend insufferable. He was rather quiet, and Raleigh found it hard to relate to him. After a few dates (for he was attractive) she warmed to him, and later found herself holding a great deal of affection for him. When she found out that he was a Death Eater, and a spy, she wasn’t sure what to think. That he had turned to spying seemed to permit her to forgive him for being marked. She knew that he would be killed should he simply leave, so even though she feared, and still does fear for his safety, she supports him all that she can. Over the past three years Raleigh has fallen in love with him and believes that she always will be. They got engaged in 2004, and more recently they moved in together. The wedding is planned for the spring of 2006.

Physical Description: Raleigh is short and petite with hazel eyes and long, curly brown hair. As a child it was uncontrollable, but more recently she has learned to use serums and potions to control it. She has pale skin that burns in the sun, but can sometimes develop a tan (and more often than not develops freckles), and has rather large lips that are just perfect for smiling and grinning.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Raleigh has a good relationship with each member of her immediate family. From her father, Tom, to her mother, Rosy, and each of her siblings, Allen, Alanna, Kate, David, Gerald, Randy, Sally, and Cailyn. She adores each of them and wants to keep them safe, and well away from any wizarding threats. Each of them support her and her mysterious talent, and Allen in particular took out a loan so that he could pay for her to attend Hogwarts. She cannot imagine that people can believe that such a wonderful family somehow make her less of a human.

Raza Hakkan is the man that Raleigh has agreed to marry, and for good reason. She loves him and can see herself spending the rest of her life with him, and doesn’t want to spend it with anyone else. Unfortunately for her, he has probably the most dangerous position in the war. She has a firm belief that he can do anything that he puts his mind to, although that doesn’t stop her from worrying.
Friends: Optional: Jean Claude was Raleigh’s first friend in the Order, and he has saved her life more than a few times. She owes him so very much, not only because he has protected her back innumerous times, but also because he introduced her to her fiancee. She already has, and will continue to, trust him with her life.
Other: Optional: Aury Hakkan is the little girl that Raleigh loves, but doesn’t want to be so presumptuous as to call her family to the girls‘ face. She adores her, and never had any qualms with Raza’s responsibility to his little sister. Should Aury allow it, Raleigh will take up the responsibility too, but she first wants to be sure that Aury won’t be upset by it.

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. She is an apprentice wand-maker.

Prior School: Hogwarts
What house were they in? Gryffindor
Why were they in that house? Raleigh is a firm Gryffindor- she speaks her mind regardless of the danger or repercussions. She has a very established concept of right and wrong, and enforces it to the best that she can (although with Raza her view might be just a little jaded). She can think of nothing better than standing up for what she believes in, and often allows her temper to get the better of her.
Occupation: Part-time Eeylops assistant, and an apprentice wand-maker.

Raleigh kept an eye on the kneazle at her feet, the striped creature seemed not to care if she had her eye on it or not, and continued to lick its lips as she stared at the motley, overgrown ferret in her hands. “Scrap, don’t you dare,“ she warned sternly. She ran her hands over the jarvey and allowed him to slip up and tuck itself around her neck. “Sneak, just the gnomes, mind. She doesn’t want her garden torn apart- you keep your teeth away from her cabbages or so help me I’ll be vexed,“ she spoke to the animals as though they could understand her, and it really wasn’t that odd a thing to listen to if you knew her well enough.

She cast one last glance at the kneazle before she slipped out the door. “Now then Sneak, we’re going by Muggles to get there, so you have to play dead,“ she warned it.

“Play dead! Play dead!“ the jarvey exclaimed, “you play dead,“ it retorted.

Not for the first time, Raleigh found herself wondering if the thing understood her at all. Even if he did, he still seemed to get his amusement out of tricking her. “That means no talking,“ she informed Sneak. He was silent for a while until they walked past an old woman and he began to chirrup. “This scarf has to be the strangest Christmas present I’ve ever received, Raleigh told the passer-by as she forced a smile.

“Play dead,“ Raleigh begged as soon as she was out of earshot. For good measure, she inspected the corridor for others and set a quick silencing charm the pet. If only she didn’t feel that it was taking advantage of him, she would have put a body bind on him too.

status: dropped, player: kim

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