Hello my pretties,
Now, as most of you have I'm sure noticed, Laura is a bit MIA, she's without net access for just a touch longer and sadly, we'll have to make do for now without her.
Right now the only Mod who has IM access is Jewel (me!), but Rachel is around and available through GTalk (I do not know what this is, but I'm assured it somehow works?).
Kim is very very busy, and sadly also missing, she moved and I'm betting still has some connection issues (she has to get a wireless network set up! eep, and wish her luck)
This leaves poor poor Jewel all alone with a lot of duties and Jewel is going to be busy busy at work, plus Jewel's uncle died so she's a little sad right now... wow... okay so Jewel is having a disassociative disorder at the moment.. anyway, a few things:
If you need something done, AOL IM: cyb3rsk1rt - as I will be extremely busy and miss a lot.
And now for the Important stuff
We're going to reopen apps for modships, now, some of you have applied already so here's the deal.
If you already applied and posted to
Kim's post on July 22nd you do not need to apply again. If you EMAILED LAURA your app, please respond to this post with your application. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR APPLICATION, please post here.
We're going to be looking for Mod Assistants as well as Mods, Mod Assistants will run specific things, or help a mod carry a duty, or best yet, fill in mod positions when Mods go on LOA... so that there are enough people doing the work and it doesn't leave someone having to make decisions, or do things alone (because while YAAY power *go slytherin me*, BOO on being scapegoat for everything that goes wrong).
Mods will need to have 1 to 2 hours a week available to devote to modly duties, and Mod assistants need to have at least an hour a week available to devote to duties.
So I'm reopening the Mod applications (for both Mod positions and Mod Assistant Positions)...
If you decide to apply now, or to reapply if emailed please fill in the application below:
LJ Username:
Mod or Mod Assistant:
Prefered Duties:
Roleplaying Experience:
How much time can you devote to NP:
Do they believe that you can get along well with the current mods? If not will you have a strategy to get on with things anyway?
What do you want to change about Now Playing?
What do they want to keep the same at Now Playing?
Why do you want the job?
Handy little textarea:
Name: LJ Username: Age: Mod or Mod Assistant:Prefered Duties: Roleplaying Experience: How much time can you devote to NP: Skills: Weaknesses: Do they believe that you can get along well with the current mods? If not will you have a strategy to get on with things anyway? What do you want to change about Now Playing? What do they want to keep the same at Now Playing? Why do you want the job? Other: Voting will begin no later than September 22nd, and applications can be submitted until the 18th.