Friday, 6th January 2006, Eveningelanor_munwaneJuly 3 2006, 02:24:28 UTC
Elanor was sitting on one of the couches in the common room, enjoying the fire crackkling in front of her. She had a book on Muggle inventions sitting next to her, although at the moment, she was writing in a leather-bound journal.
It had been such a nice day. She smiled softly to herself, reflecting on her walk out by the lake. Things had been bad for a while, but it looked like maybe life was beginning to look up.
After a few moments, she finished writing what she wanted to in her journal and closed it. Then, she opened the book of inventions, ready to enjoy a quiet night of reading.
Re: Friday, 6th January 2006, Eveningcalie_myersJuly 3 2006, 02:38:26 UTC
Calie wandered down from her dorm room. Sometimes sitting alone and reading was just a really sad and boring way to spend the time. Even if she hated interacting with other people she hardly knew, she figured it was better than listening to the wind slam at the window paine. Elanor's red hair stood out in the common room, and Calie figured she might as well go and see how she was doing.
She didn't really know Elanor that well, of course, but it was better than sitting along and looking forlorn. Calie figured the best way to not look like a loser was making up your mind that you wanted to talk to someone before you even got there. That way you already knew you were going to start a conversation instead of just standing there in an awkward silence waiting for them to notice you.
"Hey, Elanor!" Calie said pleasantly before sitting down in a nearby chair, "How was your Friday?" she asked.
Re: Friday, 6th January 2006, Eveningelanor_munwaneJuly 3 2006, 02:44:20 UTC
Elanor fumbled her book slightly as a voice cut through her relative quiet. She looked up to see Calie sitting down in the chair next to the couch. Elanor didn't mind her so much; Calie was usually non-intrusive and well-mannered.
The 5th year place a book mark to mark her place. "Hello Calie." She replied politely. Even though they were in the same house, Elanor really didn't know Calie that well. There were few people that Elanor knew at all well, because she was usually reserved and shy.
"It was a nice Friday." As soon as Elanor answered, she thought about Denys and her cheeks turned pink. "And yours? Have you been well?"
Re: Friday, 6th January 2006, Eveningcalie_myersJuly 3 2006, 02:50:29 UTC
Calie shrugged, sure... no things hadn't been going well but she wasn't about to unload all of that on to a total stranger! That wasn't very cool. "It was lovely, thank you. And I've been very well!" Calie said with a wide smile.
Okay Calie, maybe a little too wide... tone it down a little, she let her grin drop just a bit. Now it was more like a regular smile.
Then Calie realized that, wait a minute, she didn't have anything else to say. What else were they going to talk about? She could always go on about the weather, but that was just... unoriginal and besides, it was just the weather? How was that interesting. Calie looked around quickly for some ideas and spotted Elanor's book.
"What are you reading? If I may ask?" Calie said, again with the politeness.
Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM.anora_beeJuly 4 2006, 03:34:19 UTC
Nora had woken up rather late today, having stayed up late scheming with Hannah about this brilliant plan they had in mind. Hopefully it would go over without a hitch.
She was still pouring over a particularly amusing book of hexes that she'd bought from a peculiar bookshop a couple of years ago. There was even one that taught you how to shoot spaghetti out of your wand in an offensive manner. She had laughed hysterically over that one.
She was still giggling to herself as she turned through the pages, thinking of the vast possibilities she and Hannah could use against Lilah.
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM.elanor_munwaneJuly 4 2006, 03:40:35 UTC
After a most interesting breakfast with Tim and Jelly, Elanor had decided to return to the common room. She had some books that she wanted to grab from her room, and maybe if nothing was going on, she'd go to the library and study. She also hoped that some time today she'd see Denys again.
As she stepped through the portrait hole, she glanced around the room to see who was there. She noticed Anora sitting there giggling to herself. Curious about what was so funny, she approached the girl.
They'd shared a dorm for five years, so Elanor knew Anora alright--even if they kept different company a lot of the time.
"Good morning." She said politely. "What's so funny?"
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM.raeganpatrickJuly 4 2006, 03:49:06 UTC
Raegan had lost count as to how long she had been gone. Stupid Dragon Pox she thought as she slowly made her way out of the dorm. Since it was Saturday, she slept in and didn't care that she missed breakfast.
"I wonder where the Skipper is," she said outloud to herself as she jumped into the common room. Raegan took a consensus as to who was occupying what pieces of furniture when she saw a familiar redhead.
"ELANOR!" she yelled as she made her way over to the girl. Running up to her, she caught her in a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?! How are the kids?!" After releasing Elanor, she plopped on the couch and turned to Anora. "And I want to laugh. What are we laughing at?!"
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM.calie_myersJuly 4 2006, 04:01:48 UTC
Calie walked in to the common room. She had most definitely been looking over her shoulder the whole time, she was probably just being paranoid, but even though Boyko said he had to go somewhere after they had watched the painting, she swore she could see him pop every so often if there was a crowd.
Maybe Calie was just losing her mind. In any case she made a beeline for the group of girls, figuring she would see if any one of them knew about this bloke.
"Hey guys!" Calie greeted as she arrived. "Hey, have any of you heard of... Wait, we're laughing at something?" She asked Raegan.
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM. STAGING LEFT!dashing_domJuly 4 2006, 06:45:02 UTC
Dome looked at the two of them, and caught Calie's look. Hmm, looks like this would be his cue to step in. "Okay, anyways," he said, putting a firm hand on Nora's shoulder. Merlin knew if he didn't interfere now Anora would never stop until she was satisfied she'd gotten her point across.
"Apparently we've all got our different views on Boyko, so I think we all just need to stop talking about it, and talk about something else," he said. "I'm not one to want to witness in-house battles, so why don't we just stop while we're ahead,"
He threw a pleading look at Anora. Hopefully she'd calm down a little and realize there was no convincing Elanor in this particular matter.
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM. STAGING LEFT!anora_beeJuly 4 2006, 06:51:08 UTC
Anora looked up at Dome with an annoyed sigh. "Okay, whatever," she said. "I won't argue about Boyko anymore," she said. "Merlin, I didn't even want to talk about Boyko," she said. It was funny, how she was arguing about Boyko's outlook on life when she could be doing much better things with her time.
She didn't bother to point out that Boyko was the only person she'd ever shown open hostility to, and that it wasn't a common pasttime of hers to go around and punch people. She also didn't bother to point out once more that she had been a bloke at the time and testosterone definitely had a hand in it. She was much to annoyed at this moment in time to make any rational explanation. Plus, Boyko had deserved it.
"So," she said, inviting someone to start another topic to discuss.
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM. STAGING LEFT!elanor_munwaneJuly 4 2006, 06:58:29 UTC
"Ok." Elanor huffed. A change of subject would be wonderful. Talking about beating up other students was hardly her ideal after-breakfast conversation topic. Honestly, she didn't have one of those, because she usually kept to herself. Apparently, that had been good judgement on her part, considering how things were going.
She mumbled something about talking to Boyko about his behavior. Even though she didn't know him very well, she didn't like the idea of people beating him up just because he was going about things the wrong way.
Now her face was slowly starting to return to its normal color.
"So." Well, Elanor hoped no one was expecting her to pick the topic. She was rubbish at that sort of thing.
Re: Saturday, January 7th, Late Morning GRYFF THREAD OF ULTIMATE DOOM. STAGING LEFT!calie_myersJuly 4 2006, 07:04:54 UTC
Calie looked around and relaxed a little, "So... how about the quidditch team. Anyone following the standings?" Calie tried throwing that our for a topic. She ignored the fact that she herself didn't follow the team, she didn't even know who was on it.
She just realized that maybe someone here was on the quidditch team, oh great, now she was just going to look like a fool. Or maybe no one wanted to talk about Quidditch. Had that been a lame topic to bring up? Stupid conversations were so hard to manage. Calie would be happy if she was allowed to stare at paintings all day and not have to verbally express anything to anyone.
Sunday, Jan 8th, early afternooncalie_myersJuly 9 2006, 06:13:41 UTC
Calie had her face planted in a pillow. It was Sunday and she had homework to do that she didn't want to do and there was a nice warm fire. She just wanted to keep napping. No one should wake her up. Just leave her there, that would be nice.
She was vaguely aware of the slobber issuing from her mouth and on to the pillow. Meh... a slight dampness didn't really matter... she was too comfortable to move.
Re: Sunday, Jan 8th, early afternoonphoebe_hamiltonJuly 9 2006, 06:21:16 UTC
After muttering the password to the Fat Lady, Phoebe made her way into the common room, her usual cheerful smile in place. The day hadn't been bad in the least! Of course, she rarely saw the bad in most days, but that? Was not the point.
Dropping herself into a chair near the fireplace, she hummed a little as she looked around. Chloe was nowhere to be seen--but, oh! Calie! She was still slightly worried from that encounter with that Boyko bloke, but there was no reason to bring that up.
She grinned a little as she sat forward some and looked at Calie. "...Calie," she finally said through a small fit of laughter. "I take it you're having a pleasant afternoon?"
Re: Sunday, Jan 8th, early afternooncalie_myersJuly 9 2006, 06:32:09 UTC
Calie's eyes opened quickly at the sound of a voice, "Eh?" She asked with a confused look. She smacked her lips and was suddenly aware of the drool streaming down the side of her face. She wiped it away quickly.
Looking around she saw Pheobe and gave her a nice smile, "Hello there Phoebe!" She said happily as she righted her shirt and sat upright. "Sorry... did you ask me if I was having pheasants this afternoon? Is that what the House Elves are cooking?" Calie gave Pheobe a slightly confused look.
And the answer was no to that question. Small birds that looked like baby chickens didn't really appeal to her appetite.
Re: Sunday, Jan 8th, early afternoonphoebe_hamiltonJuly 9 2006, 06:39:58 UTC
"Calie!" Phoebe grinned even more as her friend woke. "Afternoon! Have a nice nap?" Her nsoe wrinkled as she looked at the pillow. "... I'll assume yes."
She curled up a little more and at her friends next words, she burst into a round of giggles. "Yeah, Calie," she said with as serious as a face and tone as she could manage. "They've resorted to a new form of cannibalism as part of a new menu." She shook her head as she laughed a little more. "Of course not. I'd have thrown a fit if they decided to do something like that. Anyway, how're you? Besides... napping."
Faced with a free class, Ashleigh had headed back to the common room. Normally she would have roamed the halls... or studied (most likely the last) but today she just wasn't feeling up to it.
Leaving her shoes on the floor, she curled her feet into the sofa beside her as she wrote in her journal. The common room had been mostly empty and she had easily lost herself in the task at hand. Other than the occasional pause to read the last few lines she'd written, she wrote frantically, trying to get everything out during the small amount of time she had. It had been ages since she'd done this... simply sat and wrote and she'd almost forgotten how relaxing it could be to pour her emotions into the thin even lines on the paper.
Von crept up behind the fair maiden and clapped his hands over her eyes. "Guess who?" he creened, grinning like a madman. Oh, how Von loved this game!
He finally vaulted over the back of the sofa, landing beside Ashleigh. "Hey gorgeous," Von said. "Still a writer then? How's life? I haven't seen you lately."
And that was true -- Von hadn't seen much of anyone lately. Between detentions and mealtimes and classes he was hardly ever around, and when he was he could generally be seen making furtive plans for the next round of detention-inducing activities.
Ashleigh held her quill away from her paper as she tried to figure out who would be playing this game with her... in her own common room. No one came to...
She grinned widely when Von landed beside her with a slight bounce. The fact that he'd not immediately come to mind told her that it had been far too long since she'd seen him. "Hey," she answered, with a laugh. "Where the hell have you been... it feels like an age since we've ran into one another..." Granted, she didn't have any room to talk... she was, after all, the one who had been hidden away in a classroom for the last week.
She closed her journal for the moment, giving him her full attention. "I've been good," she offered, mostly telling the turth. "What about you?"
Crossing inked arms behind his head, Von shrugged theatrically. "Ah, you know," he said. "detention." It was almost the whole truth. "It kind of takes up time, but I have managed somehow." Aloysius the fish in a bubble pipped and landed on the Gryffindor's shoulder, looking adorably squiggley.
"I haven't seen you in a long time, huh? You're looking good," he offered. It was, of course, true -- she was a pretty girl. "What have you been up to?"
Comments 429
It had been such a nice day. She smiled softly to herself, reflecting on her walk out by the lake. Things had been bad for a while, but it looked like maybe life was beginning to look up.
After a few moments, she finished writing what she wanted to in her journal and closed it. Then, she opened the book of inventions, ready to enjoy a quiet night of reading.
She didn't really know Elanor that well, of course, but it was better than sitting along and looking forlorn. Calie figured the best way to not look like a loser was making up your mind that you wanted to talk to someone before you even got there. That way you already knew you were going to start a conversation instead of just standing there in an awkward silence waiting for them to notice you.
"Hey, Elanor!" Calie said pleasantly before sitting down in a nearby chair, "How was your Friday?" she asked.
The 5th year place a book mark to mark her place. "Hello Calie." She replied politely. Even though they were in the same house, Elanor really didn't know Calie that well. There were few people that Elanor knew at all well, because she was usually reserved and shy.
"It was a nice Friday." As soon as Elanor answered, she thought about Denys and her cheeks turned pink. "And yours? Have you been well?"
Okay Calie, maybe a little too wide... tone it down a little, she let her grin drop just a bit. Now it was more like a regular smile.
Then Calie realized that, wait a minute, she didn't have anything else to say. What else were they going to talk about? She could always go on about the weather, but that was just... unoriginal and besides, it was just the weather? How was that interesting. Calie looked around quickly for some ideas and spotted Elanor's book.
"What are you reading? If I may ask?" Calie said, again with the politeness.
She was still pouring over a particularly amusing book of hexes that she'd bought from a peculiar bookshop a couple of years ago. There was even one that taught you how to shoot spaghetti out of your wand in an offensive manner. She had laughed hysterically over that one.
She was still giggling to herself as she turned through the pages, thinking of the vast possibilities she and Hannah could use against Lilah.
As she stepped through the portrait hole, she glanced around the room to see who was there. She noticed Anora sitting there giggling to herself. Curious about what was so funny, she approached the girl.
They'd shared a dorm for five years, so Elanor knew Anora alright--even if they kept different company a lot of the time.
"Good morning." She said politely. "What's so funny?"
"I wonder where the Skipper is," she said outloud to herself as she jumped into the common room. Raegan took a consensus as to who was occupying what pieces of furniture when she saw a familiar redhead.
"ELANOR!" she yelled as she made her way over to the girl. Running up to her, she caught her in a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?! How are the kids?!" After releasing Elanor, she plopped on the couch and turned to Anora. "And I want to laugh. What are we laughing at?!"
Maybe Calie was just losing her mind. In any case she made a beeline for the group of girls, figuring she would see if any one of them knew about this bloke.
"Hey guys!" Calie greeted as she arrived. "Hey, have any of you heard of... Wait, we're laughing at something?" She asked Raegan.
"Apparently we've all got our different views on Boyko, so I think we all just need to stop talking about it, and talk about something else," he said. "I'm not one to want to witness in-house battles, so why don't we just stop while we're ahead,"
He threw a pleading look at Anora. Hopefully she'd calm down a little and realize there was no convincing Elanor in this particular matter.
She didn't bother to point out that Boyko was the only person she'd ever shown open hostility to, and that it wasn't a common pasttime of hers to go around and punch people. She also didn't bother to point out once more that she had been a bloke at the time and testosterone definitely had a hand in it. She was much to annoyed at this moment in time to make any rational explanation. Plus, Boyko had deserved it.
"So," she said, inviting someone to start another topic to discuss.
She mumbled something about talking to Boyko about his behavior. Even though she didn't know him very well, she didn't like the idea of people beating him up just because he was going about things the wrong way.
Now her face was slowly starting to return to its normal color.
"So." Well, Elanor hoped no one was expecting her to pick the topic. She was rubbish at that sort of thing.
She just realized that maybe someone here was on the quidditch team, oh great, now she was just going to look like a fool. Or maybe no one wanted to talk about Quidditch. Had that been a lame topic to bring up? Stupid conversations were so hard to manage. Calie would be happy if she was allowed to stare at paintings all day and not have to verbally express anything to anyone.
She was vaguely aware of the slobber issuing from her mouth and on to the pillow. Meh... a slight dampness didn't really matter... she was too comfortable to move.
Dropping herself into a chair near the fireplace, she hummed a little as she looked around. Chloe was nowhere to be seen--but, oh! Calie! She was still slightly worried from that encounter with that Boyko bloke, but there was no reason to bring that up.
She grinned a little as she sat forward some and looked at Calie. "...Calie," she finally said through a small fit of laughter. "I take it you're having a pleasant afternoon?"
Looking around she saw Pheobe and gave her a nice smile, "Hello there Phoebe!" She said happily as she righted her shirt and sat upright. "Sorry... did you ask me if I was having pheasants this afternoon? Is that what the House Elves are cooking?" Calie gave Pheobe a slightly confused look.
And the answer was no to that question. Small birds that looked like baby chickens didn't really appeal to her appetite.
She curled up a little more and at her friends next words, she burst into a round of giggles. "Yeah, Calie," she said with as serious as a face and tone as she could manage. "They've resorted to a new form of cannibalism as part of a new menu." She shook her head as she laughed a little more. "Of course not. I'd have thrown a fit if they decided to do something like that. Anyway, how're you? Besides... napping."
Leaving her shoes on the floor, she curled her feet into the sofa beside her as she wrote in her journal. The common room had been mostly empty and she had easily lost herself in the task at hand. Other than the occasional pause to read the last few lines she'd written, she wrote frantically, trying to get everything out during the small amount of time she had. It had been ages since she'd done this... simply sat and wrote and she'd almost forgotten how relaxing it could be to pour her emotions into the thin even lines on the paper.
He finally vaulted over the back of the sofa, landing beside Ashleigh. "Hey gorgeous," Von said. "Still a writer then? How's life? I haven't seen you lately."
And that was true -- Von hadn't seen much of anyone lately. Between detentions and mealtimes and classes he was hardly ever around, and when he was he could generally be seen making furtive plans for the next round of detention-inducing activities.
She grinned widely when Von landed beside her with a slight bounce. The fact that he'd not immediately come to mind told her that it had been far too long since she'd seen him. "Hey," she answered, with a laugh. "Where the hell have you been... it feels like an age since we've ran into one another..." Granted, she didn't have any room to talk... she was, after all, the one who had been hidden away in a classroom for the last week.
She closed her journal for the moment, giving him her full attention. "I've been good," she offered, mostly telling the turth. "What about you?"
"I haven't seen you in a long time, huh? You're looking good," he offered. It was, of course, true -- she was a pretty girl. "What have you been up to?"
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