Feb. 27th- Early EveningladypearlineJanuary 2 2007, 00:15:47 UTC
Pearline sat in the common room, books on the couch and on her lap, scribbling notes in her notebook, career fair pamphlets setting next to her. The fair had been most enjoyable; she had spent most of her time hanging out with her brother.
Today, having been the last day of the fair, after her classes she had spent her remaining time with Gerard and was planning on having dinner with him later tonight, but for now, she was doing her homework and looking at some career options so when she wrote home to her parents about the career fair, she’d have something to report other then the fact that she had spent most of the time with her brother.
Re: Feb. 27th- Early EveningbookwormbriJanuary 2 2007, 00:30:59 UTC
Bri came into the common room, smiling brightly as she shifted the pamphlets around in hers hands. She'd just had an early dinner with her father and sisters before he had to head home and it had gone very well, because he had given her permission to apply to some of the internships Mr. DuLac had suggested. She'd been sure he would say no, but had been pleasantly surprised and now she was looking forward to reading through the material she had some more and writing for the necessary papers.
She fell back into the couch with a soft thud and grinned over at her younger cousin as she opened one of the leaflets. "Oh, hello, Pearline."
Re: Feb. 27th- Early EveningladypearlineJanuary 2 2007, 00:47:42 UTC
Pearline looked up with a smile at her cousin Bri. It was always nice to spend time with relatives who treated you right, unlike some relatives she could name. She was relieved that Bri was smiling at her, considering the argument they had gotten into before Hogsmeade weekend, she wondered if Bri had ever gotten the apology package she sent her.
“Hello Bri, did you enjoy the career fair? I saw Uncle Thomas earlier, it was nice to see him again.” Thomas was her favorite Uncle and she viewed him as a second father. She could recall with much fondness the summers and Christmas holidays she had spent with him and her cousins. “Gerard is here, I know he’d like to say hi and see you if you haven’t seen him at the Crusebrakers booth already.”
Re: Feb. 27th- Early EveningbookwormbriJanuary 2 2007, 03:55:21 UTC
Bri nodded her head as she sat back on the couch and folded her legs underneath her.
"Oh, yes. The fair was really good." Of course she thought so, because she had learned some things and figured out a possible career plan that he father seemed to be almost in favor of. Of course, she'd had to carefully mentioned who had encouraged her on such a path and that had certainly helped.
"We had dinner tonight, actually," she said, speaking of her father. Granted, it was just the Great Hall, but it had still been nice.
She bit her lip at Pearline mentioned Gerard, because she hadn't had a chance to stop by and now it was too late. She hoped she wasn't in for another lecture about needing to make time for family, because the truth was that she placed more importance on her friends and her studies and she'd heard enough from Annabelle on that particular subject.
Tuesday, 28 February, 1pm-ishlexie_hurstJanuary 7 2007, 03:11:01 UTC
Lexie decided to head back up to the common room after lunch. She had no classes in the afternoon, and usually she would have taken the opportunity to head to the library, or maybe see who she could find hanging around after lunch.
She wasn't as much in the mood to study as usual, though, and she figured that she could get a bit done in the common room and then just relax for a while. Everyone had to relax eventually, right? And it wasn't like she was behind on her work or anything!
So she made her way into the common room, flopping down onto the couch, leaning her head back for a moment with a sigh. As much as she enjoyed her classes, she did love tuesdays -- having a whole afternoon off was just bloody fantastic is what it was.
After a minute of just laying there and doing nothing she sat up to dig through her bag, pulling out the novel she was currently making her way through. She pulled her legs up underneath her and made herself comfortable, opening up to the page she had marked and beginning to read.
Re: Tuesday, 28 February, 1pm-ishprettyhowtownJanuary 7 2007, 03:21:29 UTC
Nico flung himself into the common room portal- the world was against him, he was sure of it. The world wanted him to just die. Yep. That was right, no one could argue with him about that.
In short, there had been sausages for lunch.
But that didn't matter now, he had the afternoon off. The entire afternoon. What should he use it for? Study? Research? Talking to Jojo? Or he could use it to woo pretty girls. He liked that idea best of all. Luckily for him a pretty girl (who he knew was reluctant to slap him from previous experience) was sitting right there in the commonroom.
"Lexieeeee, oh Lexie my glorious sun," he sung as he got down on bended knee before her. Girls liked it when he got down on bended knee he was easier to kick.
Re: Tuesday, 28 February, 1pm-ishlexie_hurstJanuary 7 2007, 03:32:29 UTC
Well, it was certainly impossible that the entire world wanted Nico to die. After all, Lexie certainly didn't want him to! She rather liked him, after all, so that would be a horrible shame, when it came right down to it.
She jumped slightly when she heard someone suddenly singing, because that had not been expected! She was grinning, though, when she saw who it was. How could she not?
"You're such a flatterer, Nico," she told him with a light laugh. She marked her place in the book she had been reading and set it aside -- she would have plenty of time for that later! "It's good to see you, though!"
Re: Tuesday, 28 February, 1pm-ishprettyhowtownJanuary 7 2007, 03:39:50 UTC
h Lexie, the true desire of Nicodemus' very large, very passionate heart. Or so he'd say when she was the only girl in the room. But beyond that he did appreciate her a whole lot. Who else was so engrossed in History of Magic as he was?
That Rupert fellow did not count. He was just a rowdy git... ruining Nico's free study time by bringing swords, and gallavanting, and... it was just too horrible to think about.
"Flatterer my lady?" Nico simpered, "but nothing I say could ever even draw close to expressing your radient beauty." He grinned at her, glad to see that she was amused even if she was mocking his dear, fragile little feelings. "Good to see you too. Not seen you about for a few days, actually."
Friday, 3 March, afternoon - just after lunch - 7th year girls dormlexie_hurstJanuary 11 2007, 05:45:35 UTC
Lexie was tired. That was her only real excuse for heading up to her dorm right after lunch. She'd been up so late with Ash the night before, and then had class so early in the morning...
Vaguely she wondered if her roommates had noted her absence from the dorm the night before, and she was kind of amazed with herself that she'd actually snuck out. It was just so unlike her!
She didn't think on it too much, though; just dropped her bag to the floor collapsed back onto her bed with a sigh, not even taking her shoes off for a moment as she enjoyed the comfort of her own bed.
Re: Friday, 3 March, afternoon - just after lunch - 7th year girls dormthefrenchclawJanuary 11 2007, 06:22:50 UTC
((No prob! :D))
Elodie was actually tired from too much sleep, which seemed rather odd even to her. Usually she was up at the crack of dawn either starting on her homework or reading a new book. But today she had woken up an hour before noon and then had taken a long, leisurely shower.
Oh it felt wonderful, especially after a slightly stressful week.
While she was towel drying her hair, she heard the dorm door open and a sigh as someone walked into the room. And dropped their bag? Opening the bathroom door, she leaned against it, holding her towel up and looked to see who it was.
"Lexie?" She smiled and cocked her head to the side, remembering that she hadn't been in the dorm when she had gone to bed last night. Odd.
Re: Friday, 3 March, afternoon - just after lunch - 7th year girls dormlexie_hurstJanuary 11 2007, 06:40:32 UTC
Lexie opened her eyes when she heard the door to the bathroom open, rolling her head towards the sound of a voice, though making no other effort to move for the moment.
She smiled at Elodie, though, when she saw her standing in the doorway. "Hey," she greeted her roommate. "Getting out of the shower? That seems wonderful."
It did, too. She wondered if maybe a bath wouldn't be even better... yeah. A nice, long, warm bath, and a bed from now until the next morning... too bad she knew she couldn't actually indulge in that particular fantasy.
Re: Friday, 3 March, afternoon - just after lunch - 7th year girls dormthefrenchclawJanuary 11 2007, 07:09:10 UTC
"It is," she smiled before disappearing for a moment, rummaging around for a few things before exiting the shower. Wouldn't want to make a few thousand trips back and forth, that would be a bit annoying.
Tossing her things on her bed, Elodie looked over at her roommate and grinned. "Late night? Or did I just go to sleep early?"
A little friendly teasing was in order because how many times did a roommate sneak out? Hm?
Monday February 27th - After Breakfast - Common RoomdarianaclawJanuary 14 2007, 18:29:14 UTC
Dari was leaning back on the couch, knees pulled up almost to her chest and the morning's Prophet open on her lap. She read the article about her dad again, even though she'd done it several times already, letting out yet another sigh of relief.
He was alright.. Her father was truly alright. Thank Merlin.
Even though she'd been ecstatic about her internship and life had been relatively okay, she'd really been quite worried when he was missing so long.. nearly a month. It was good he'd been found.
She bit her lip thoughtfully, wondering if she'd be allowed to go see him? Maybe she should talk to Professor Chandler and see if he could arrange something.
Re: Monday February 27th - After Breakfast - Common RoomwhoisthatkidJanuary 14 2007, 18:35:43 UTC
Matt didn't pay too much attention to the Daily Prophet, but he randomly read it enough that he'd heard about Dari's father. Well, he'd heard about the missing part, anyway. As for the part about him being found...
He hadn't read the Daily Prophet that morning, so he had no clue.
But she looked a little happier than she normally did around the Common Room, which was always a good sign, right? And another good sign was the fact that he was actually going to initiate conversation.
Because truthfully? He never did that. But he had to get over this nervous affliction at some point, and he would start with Dari. Apparently. Stepping up to her and seating himself on the very edge of the couch, he gave her a tiny smile. "...hi," he said quietly.
Point for him! He'd spoken a word without twenty more intersperced with stammering!
Re: Monday February 27th - After Breakfast - Common RoomdarianaclawJanuary 14 2007, 18:45:42 UTC
Dari brightened even more when she looked up and saw Matt there. They didn't speak very often, but Dari liked when they did. Especially since they seemed to talk a lot about Ancient Runes and other interesting things.
"Hey!" she responded with a grin as she finally set the paper aside. It was pretty obvious that she was in a great mood right now. In fact, giddy might be a good word for it.
Re: Monday February 27th - After Breakfast - Common RoomwhoisthatkidJanuary 14 2007, 18:54:31 UTC
Giddy was a good thing!
Of course, it also meant that he'd gotten a grin from her, which was a horrible idea. That was when he started blustering about and being generally awkward and uncomfortable. Minus the uncomfortable part, because he had made sure that his mind remembered that he talked to her about Ancient Runes.
That kind of trumped the girl thing.
That is, when they were actually talking about it.
"You're happy-- I mean, look happy." Good, that wasn't too terribly bad. Just a little bit of a stammer, nothing too serious. Hopefully he could keep it up!
Sunday, March 5th - Midday in the Common RoommasterdevlinJanuary 15 2007, 04:29:03 UTC
Normally Adrian wasn't one to loiter in the Common Room. There were far better places to spend one's time, away from the rabble and their senseless noise, but it seemed a good week for gossip and as Apollo appeared fond of the fire, Adrian wasn't keen to object. He reclined comfortably in an armchair and watched his fellow students with a lazy gaze as the snow flurried just beyond the window pane. "What do you think, dear cousin? Lovely week, wasn't it?"
Re: Sunday, March 5th - Midday in the Common Roomlord_euthanasiaJanuary 15 2007, 04:38:14 UTC
"What do you think, dear cousin? Lovely week, wasn't it?"
"Indeed it has," Apollo turned away from the book he was reading, mirroring the smirk he found on Adrian's face. "One seemingly full of... peculiar events. But ones that warrant celebration as well. Why look, cousin! There comes the Parker boy! Now it would be dreadfully rude of us to not congradulate him on his recent jettisoning, would it not?"
There was a twinkle in his hazel eyes as he observed Danny, knowing quite well that the older boy could hear him clearly.
Re: Sunday, March 5th - Midday in the Common RoommasterdevlinJanuary 15 2007, 05:27:39 UTC
The corners of Adrian's mouth turned up in an unkind grin. This was one of his favorite games, after all. "I dare say it would, though he's not likely to appreciate it," Adrian drawled, watching their mutual roommate with a gaze that challenged Parker to acknowledge the conversation. "Pulled free from Cowan a bit too late, I'm afraid. Already tainted."
In truth, Adrian had less problem with Parker and the Gryffindor than others might expect. He had no particular hatred for them aside from the fact that Parker insisted on continuing to live his miserable wasted existence and that the other boy kept finding his way into what should have been Adrian's sanctuary from the rest of the school, namely the fourth year boy's dorms. No, Adrian simply enjoyed picking at other people's pain to see just how far they could be pushed.
Re: Sunday, March 5th - Midday in the Common Roomlord_euthanasiaJanuary 15 2007, 05:53:35 UTC
"Oh Adrian, were it not the truth. However, I like to believe that we Devlins are of generous natures as well as being genteel." Snapping his book shut, Apollo leaned over the armrest of the twin arm chair, closer to Adrian. "A romantic soul such as myself must profess a desire for a reconciliation between the two. Otherwise, I must admit that my nighttime entertainment shall fall flat once more. I didn't have a chance to break in the score cards yet. They are rather lovely score cards, aren't they, cousin? I even managed to make them glitter with glowing lights."
Comments 103
Today, having been the last day of the fair, after her classes she had spent her remaining time with Gerard and was planning on having dinner with him later tonight, but for now, she was doing her homework and looking at some career options so when she wrote home to her parents about the career fair, she’d have something to report other then the fact that she had spent most of the time with her brother.
She fell back into the couch with a soft thud and grinned over at her younger cousin as she opened one of the leaflets. "Oh, hello, Pearline."
“Hello Bri, did you enjoy the career fair? I saw Uncle Thomas earlier, it was nice to see him again.” Thomas was her favorite Uncle and she viewed him as a second father. She could recall with much fondness the summers and Christmas holidays she had spent with him and her cousins. “Gerard is here, I know he’d like to say hi and see you if you haven’t seen him at the Crusebrakers booth already.”
"Oh, yes. The fair was really good." Of course she thought so, because she had learned some things and figured out a possible career plan that he father seemed to be almost in favor of. Of course, she'd had to carefully mentioned who had encouraged her on such a path and that had certainly helped.
"We had dinner tonight, actually," she said, speaking of her father. Granted, it was just the Great Hall, but it had still been nice.
She bit her lip at Pearline mentioned Gerard, because she hadn't had a chance to stop by and now it was too late. She hoped she wasn't in for another lecture about needing to make time for family, because the truth was that she placed more importance on her friends and her studies and she'd heard enough from Annabelle on that particular subject.
She wasn't as much in the mood to study as usual, though, and she figured that she could get a bit done in the common room and then just relax for a while. Everyone had to relax eventually, right? And it wasn't like she was behind on her work or anything!
So she made her way into the common room, flopping down onto the couch, leaning her head back for a moment with a sigh. As much as she enjoyed her classes, she did love tuesdays -- having a whole afternoon off was just bloody fantastic is what it was.
After a minute of just laying there and doing nothing she sat up to dig through her bag, pulling out the novel she was currently making her way through. She pulled her legs up underneath her and made herself comfortable, opening up to the page she had marked and beginning to read.
((tag Nico!))
In short, there had been sausages for lunch.
But that didn't matter now, he had the afternoon off. The entire afternoon. What should he use it for? Study? Research? Talking to Jojo? Or he could use it to woo pretty girls. He liked that idea best of all. Luckily for him a pretty girl (who he knew was reluctant to slap him from previous experience) was sitting right there in the commonroom.
"Lexieeeee, oh Lexie my glorious sun," he sung as he got down on bended knee before her. Girls liked it when he got down on bended knee he was easier to kick.
She jumped slightly when she heard someone suddenly singing, because that had not been expected! She was grinning, though, when she saw who it was. How could she not?
"You're such a flatterer, Nico," she told him with a light laugh. She marked her place in the book she had been reading and set it aside -- she would have plenty of time for that later! "It's good to see you, though!"
That Rupert fellow did not count. He was just a rowdy git... ruining Nico's free study time by bringing swords, and gallavanting, and... it was just too horrible to think about.
"Flatterer my lady?" Nico simpered, "but nothing I say could ever even draw close to expressing your radient beauty." He grinned at her, glad to see that she was amused even if she was mocking his dear, fragile little feelings. "Good to see you too. Not seen you about for a few days, actually."
Vaguely she wondered if her roommates had noted her absence from the dorm the night before, and she was kind of amazed with herself that she'd actually snuck out. It was just so unlike her!
She didn't think on it too much, though; just dropped her bag to the floor collapsed back onto her bed with a sigh, not even taking her shoes off for a moment as she enjoyed the comfort of her own bed.
Elodie was actually tired from too much sleep, which seemed rather odd even to her. Usually she was up at the crack of dawn either starting on her homework or reading a new book. But today she had woken up an hour before noon and then had taken a long, leisurely shower.
Oh it felt wonderful, especially after a slightly stressful week.
While she was towel drying her hair, she heard the dorm door open and a sigh as someone walked into the room. And dropped their bag? Opening the bathroom door, she leaned against it, holding her towel up and looked to see who it was.
"Lexie?" She smiled and cocked her head to the side, remembering that she hadn't been in the dorm when she had gone to bed last night. Odd.
She smiled at Elodie, though, when she saw her standing in the doorway. "Hey," she greeted her roommate. "Getting out of the shower? That seems wonderful."
It did, too. She wondered if maybe a bath wouldn't be even better... yeah. A nice, long, warm bath, and a bed from now until the next morning... too bad she knew she couldn't actually indulge in that particular fantasy.
Tossing her things on her bed, Elodie looked over at her roommate and grinned. "Late night? Or did I just go to sleep early?"
A little friendly teasing was in order because how many times did a roommate sneak out? Hm?
He was alright.. Her father was truly alright. Thank Merlin.
Even though she'd been ecstatic about her internship and life had been relatively okay, she'd really been quite worried when he was missing so long.. nearly a month. It was good he'd been found.
She bit her lip thoughtfully, wondering if she'd be allowed to go see him? Maybe she should talk to Professor Chandler and see if he could arrange something.
He hadn't read the Daily Prophet that morning, so he had no clue.
But she looked a little happier than she normally did around the Common Room, which was always a good sign, right? And another good sign was the fact that he was actually going to initiate conversation.
Because truthfully? He never did that. But he had to get over this nervous affliction at some point, and he would start with Dari. Apparently. Stepping up to her and seating himself on the very edge of the couch, he gave her a tiny smile. "...hi," he said quietly.
Point for him! He'd spoken a word without twenty more intersperced with stammering!
"Hey!" she responded with a grin as she finally set the paper aside. It was pretty obvious that she was in a great mood right now. In fact, giddy might be a good word for it.
Of course, it also meant that he'd gotten a grin from her, which was a horrible idea. That was when he started blustering about and being generally awkward and uncomfortable. Minus the uncomfortable part, because he had made sure that his mind remembered that he talked to her about Ancient Runes.
That kind of trumped the girl thing.
That is, when they were actually talking about it.
"You're happy-- I mean, look happy." Good, that wasn't too terribly bad. Just a little bit of a stammer, nothing too serious. Hopefully he could keep it up!
"Indeed it has," Apollo turned away from the book he was reading, mirroring the smirk he found on Adrian's face. "One seemingly full of... peculiar events. But ones that warrant celebration as well. Why look, cousin! There comes the Parker boy! Now it would be dreadfully rude of us to not congradulate him on his recent jettisoning, would it not?"
There was a twinkle in his hazel eyes as he observed Danny, knowing quite well that the older boy could hear him clearly.
In truth, Adrian had less problem with Parker and the Gryffindor than others might expect. He had no particular hatred for them aside from the fact that Parker insisted on continuing to live his miserable wasted existence and that the other boy kept finding his way into what should have been Adrian's sanctuary from the rest of the school, namely the fourth year boy's dorms. No, Adrian simply enjoyed picking at other people's pain to see just how far they could be pushed.
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