Jun 09, 2013 11:54
In my fictional universe, Pete's World split off from the Doctor's world long enough ago that the crown of England (when they still had one) went from Henry VII to Arthur I to his son Henry VIII "the Seafarer" to his granddaughter Anne Tudor. I've been pretty adamant that there won't have been a Doctor in Pete's World.
Nonetheless, I really want to include this paragraph:
... she paused by a print of van Gogh's "Beloved", the famous portrait of a russet-haired young woman surrounded by sunflowers, and considered it.
Some theorized that the sitter had never existed, that she had been an imaginary companion invented by van Gogh as solace for his loneliness. Certainly no-one had ever been able to identify her as a historical person.
Yet the painting was so vivid, so full of life, that it was hard not to think that he had had a real person in mind, if perhaps no longer in front of him, when as his last touch he had written the haunting, evocative French word "Aimée" -- "loved" -- on the canvas.
doctor who,