I was surfing
rogueslayer452 's flist the other day, and came across this article at Oh No They Didn't Political:
http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_political/6817021.html I didn't want to join the community because I don't feel like seeing everything they cover appear on my flist, so I'll comment here.
I am glad that Cracked.com (!) and journalists like Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes are pointing out that the building of an Islamic community center in Manhattan should be a nontroversy. What the right-wingnut chicken littles are doing is agreeing with Al-Qaeda's "Islam and the West are at war" ideology. Are they desperate for debate material or what?
In other news, Dr. Laura's misinvocation of the First Amendment makes me angry.
I really wonder how Iraq is going to make it. Despite the existence of a government there, there is a definite power vacuum.