Apr 19, 2011 01:20
I am supposed to be down in San Antonio on Wednesday morning to see the surgeons, and I am finding it hard to see the point. This visit is not going to affect my standing on the transplant list. When I was cleared for transplant in early 2006, 95% of the tests done had to be done off site because they could NOT do them. The ONLY tong they could do was blood work and the chest Xray. The mammogram, angiogram, and genetic test (for clotting factors) were all done here in Austin. So why do I need to go all the way down there and serioudly upend my schedule? I have a phone, and there's no reason why they can't call me - All my pertinent info can be updated without the face to face visit.
I feel like they just gave me 'make work' - something to pass the time that will make me fell like I am one step closer without actually getting me any closer. They're going to need to test me as soon as I get there if they've called me for a potential surgery.
I wish I could have listed locally. But San Antonio is the closest place I can list for both organs. And now that I've come around to it, I WANT my new parts. NAOW.