Jul 02, 2005 14:05
About 6 days ago (it was Sunday) I got home from this christian festival concert thing called Alive. Allie took me :) I got to see Audio A (A big big house) and Newboys (breakfast club!) and Toby Mac and Sanctus Real and Mutemath (Peculiar people. Not meatballs, Ashley.) and..*claps* Switchfoot! Ahhh. So much fun! ^.^ At the end of the last song Jon (the lead singer) went on the roof. He said he's always wanted to do that xD. I kept forgetting my camera -.- So I didnt get any switchfoot pictures but Allie did. Moms ordering me the Newsboys t-shirt for 'breakfast club'. The song is about..well, no breakfast in hell. So theres a captian crunch guy on the front of the shirt n on the back theres flames and it says 'Breakfast no served here'. Its the captian crunch guy because one part of the song says 'Captain crunch will be waving farewell'. Anyway! Allie kept getting us lost *kick* She got us lost in the woods at midnight -.-
So! Im home now. Moms been weird lately.. >.o 2 days ago we were in the car driving to Marcs for some ice & bread. All through the store she kept humming and doing some weird butt bopping thing and I dont think she even noticed. It was odd..
And then on the drive home she started singing some banana song like 'I want your bananas..your bananas. I want a banana. A yellow banana.' and im just staring at her thinking 'wtf...' lol
And then! I was driving to the mall yesturday with Caitlin and she turns on her cd. And its some chick that kept spelling bananas at me. I sware this is some secret message to me. The bananas are coming...beware. (( xD ))
Cait n I only went to the mall to go bra shopping. SOMEHOW every single one of my bras just POOFED. All I had left was one I had when I was 14..and it was WAY to small -.- So! We're at victora secret and caitlin is going beyond crazy with buying her bras. She had like..7 bras in the bag. I had 3. Then she starts looking at all these perfumes and then she wants some Pjs and im just like 'Oookay caitlin. Lets buy our stuff and go.' We were only supposed to get 2 bras each cause we were using my dads credit card (He gave us permission). We go up to buy our bras and body sprays and the total (which were thought would be around $100 ) came up to: $258.75 .
My jaw seriously dropped. And yet caitlin was still 'Charge it' And handed her the card. I snatched it back like 'hell no' cause we'd get in so much trouble but SHE was the one going crazy over bras. So she put two back and I put one back so now I had 2 and she had 4. The lady charges it but then says she needs our dads permission because its still 187 dollars or something. So she talks to my dad and he said for caitlin to use whatever cash she had to buy two of the bras and then charge the rest. So caitlin gave the lady 90 bucks and said to charge the rest and she said that was fine. So she goes to charge a little less than $100 and it wouldnt go through. She handed it back and said it was too much. We knew that was bull because my dad called the company and he had over 280 on that card. We had to leave (so we did) and my dad called the card place again and they said the lady rung up the total of 150 and then 100 and then something smaller. So basically she screwed us over n we never got our bras. Caitlin called and got it all fixed and then went and got herself 4 bras and me 3. Yep. Aaaanyway.
Julia n I are supposed to go to Arabica today ^_^ Alan is ganna give me some free Mochas xD Whee.