My updates for LiveJournal are few and far between. But, I always keep the LJ users with up to date with big/important posts, like this one
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nope i didnt read the whole thing. too high to read all the words. but i did read a couple of paragraphs. looks like youre growing up jeffrey boy. good thing. sometimes that is. one thing ive noticed is that ive always wanted to be older, like in my adult-age and just be living on my own. now im at the realization that thats scary. and also, i never want to be old old, like wrinkley and gray hair. so basically old people want to young and young people want to be old. i plan to kill myself off from this world when im 50 so ill be smack right dab in the middle. but bravo on accomplishing maturity. lets grab something to eat or just chill, i wont rape you....hard.
haha, well its all good that you didnt read the whole thing, i understand; i know i wouldnt read it all.
and cherish your childhood, have fun before the real world sucks you in before your ready..
haha yea, I ment cherish high school, but I just remembered that you don't go to high school anymore...
so, nevermind.
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