talk about life...

Aug 06, 2005 14:17

My updates for LiveJournal are few and far between. But, I always keep the LJ users with up to date with big/important posts, like this one:

this one is taken from my main journal which can be found here:


So recently, I have been thinking about life, the future, the present, and inevitably the past...

But in traditional Jeff ways, lets go out of order of the thesis statement and talk about the present first...

You know, recently I have been pretty happy with my life. I have the best friends I have ever had. The females, well haha they are confusing as usual, but you don't wanna hear about that now do you? Yea you do. I guess you could say there are a few girls in my life, all of which have major hardships. Love, is love, just thought nothing short of wonderfully hurtful. I just want to talk about life with a loved one, under the stars, on the sofa, on the bed, in a park; but it is so hard to do these days. Theres another girl, who plays every guy she sees, it hurts. Nevertheless, there is a small sliver of my brain that says, "Maybe she isn't playing me, maybe its real" but somehow, i doubt it. I really wish I could see Jessica more, Jessica you changed my life, if you are reading this sorry I have been stupid, but I really want to see you. Alisha, dang, I don't even know what to say to you, well actually I do. Yea, I do.

Are there any other aspects to a 17-year-old boys life? Girls seem to take up a lot of time. However, I don't think that's exactly a bad thing; I'm pretty sure its normal.

But there are more aspects to this life; I'm starting college {relatively} soon. Should I be excited? I kinda am, minus the whole I don't drive part. But, it seems as if that is what I am known for, which could easily be considered sad. I'm wondering if it's possible to go through my whole life without driving. Although, if I did do that I couldn't drive the Ferrari. If I can't drive it, what is the point of having it? I'm kinda going back on my college plans, maybe even regretting them. But no, I can't regret it, I don't regret anything I have ever done in my life, because everything I have done has brought me to this exact place where I am now, which I am perfectly happy with {?}. All I mainly do is hang out with my friends at starbucks and read computer news, but hey is there anything wrong with that? Maybe I should get a job, or possibly a hobby. I could always say starbucks and computer news is my hobby. I need a constructive hobby, but definitely not construction.

Following the helter-skelter format, we will take a dip into the history pool, which I suppose could be called the primordial soup of the entry.

I have led a pretty well balanced hot and cold life, I have been very fortunate. Has that made me ungrateful? Or greedy? Is that what has led me to be so jealous of others? I don't think so, because I'm not really jealous of people for material reasons, more like "hey, this girl gives you all her attention, I'm jealous of you" which is still wrong, but it's a part of life...

I miss the old parts of life, my family recently has been disjointed, and I don't like that. We use to get together every weekend, but now it seems as if we meet up on just holidays, not even the random dead president ones, just the major ones. Summer always does this to me, it makes me reflect on the old family days, when my cousin and I would go to my grandma's house for the whole summer and just skateboard, play baseball and be kids. It was very carefree, not that I'm not carefree anymore. However, it seemed so pure back then. Cliche yea, but true. Maybe we will go back to those days, eh; I'm a bit to old now.

It seems that I am a lot older now than I was back then, a lot more things have happened to me. It seems that after graduating high school, maturity has just been poured all over me, like a waterfall of knowledge. I don't know where it came from, I suppose its one of those unexplained mysteries of life.

Although, one thing I have not gained knowledge about is love. In 8th grade I thought I had the love thing figured out, well I was, not so quickly, proven wrong. 3 years later, someone came into my life and changed my way of thinking, but I still have yet to figure out what she changed my way of thinking to. Have I loved? Have I lost? Or, were they minor school boy crushes? Some of them seem a lot more than just harmless crushes; after all they have caused a lot more harm. But will I ever know? Or is love just another one of those unexplained life mysteries. Who knows? Is love one set way? Or is there many interpretations, that could very well be one of the problems science and math cannot solve.

I have been thinking, what am I going to do during/after college..
my parents said, "If you can afford to pay for an apartment, you should be paying for college"
So, I guess I can't move out until I am out of college? Unless I want to pay $25,000 a year plus an apartment. I think not.
Which throws a kink into my post-college plans; which is more college, USC to be exact. Which is kinda expensive. Therefore, I either need a nice quick way to get a lot of money {we will come back to that part later}; or maybe I just wont go to USC. I would really like to though, a film or history degree would definitely be nice to have under my belt. Although, I do not wanna be paying for that and an apartment, so I guess we can nix that idea... See, everything is just so darn expensive, especially in san diego, I think it will be hard to live the comfortable life I want to live...

This brings me to the money,
Its funny how a piece of paper and change the way one lives life, but let's try to avoid cliches here.
So, I'm going to need a lot of money to make it in life. Like I said earlier, especially in San Diego.
Which is why I think I should move to the east coast, Virginia or a Carolina; its mondo cheap there. I will spend a lot less which will in turn help me live my comfortable life style, and give me all the proper things I need in life, including my Ferrari and other goods. But dang, just the thought of leaving sunny California just hurts. But, a nice comfortable loft, Ikea furniture, Ferrari's, apple computers and 8 megapixel cameras are what the east has to offer. My word, have I turned into Edward Norton's character in fight club {Jack/Rupert}? But once again, lets steer clear of cliche's. So now, let's think about how to make money, the average yearly salary for my hopefully career field is about $60,000. That's not as much as I want to be making, but hey, it could be worse. I guess that wouldn't be to bad for the east coast. After all the median income for San Diego is $47,000. Average yearly income in Virginia is $52,000. Therefore, I will be living above the average line, which is good.

If all else fails, there is a 50 million dollar payoff if you give tips to finding Osama, so maybe a trip to the Middle East is in order? Who knows...that sure is a lot of pastries and Ferrari's.


So now I sit here, im done telling you about my life, 3 hours, 24 tracks, 5 friends, and one early morning have passed. what do I have to show for it? a burning hot lap, a slew of horrible grammatical errors, 1,377 words of nonesense, and one satisfied jeff.

I sure hope you don't think I'm stupid, egotistical, or conceded.

please tell me what you think.
please tell me if you read the whole thing..
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