(no subject)

Jun 12, 2009 16:56

Can I also complain about Christine Kane? I used to love her. I still love her music. But this televangical "I can fix everything wrong with you" crapola needs to stop.
Seriously, her little retreats that I once thought of going to is now almost $2000 to stay for 3 nights (are you serious?!?! I spent 3 weeks in Buenos Aires for less than half of that) and is fucking sold out!!!! Oh but you can pick the reduced price version and only spend 2 nights for $1200!!

"Personally, I believe these kinds of breakthroughs (especially those involving income!) are PRICELESS. But I looked at this practically. And I devoted one of my hour-long calls with my business coach to discuss just the pricing of this event. When I told my her what I was offering at my retreat and how much value my attendees would get, she said I could easily charge as much as $2,200-$3,500 for this type of PRIVATE, HANDS-ON retreat with me, and that people would happily pay for it. (She’s actually going to sign up in 2009!) However, this is my passion and my life's work - and I want to be of service to as many people as I can. So if I charged $3,500 (or even $2,000) - I know that I would leave out lots of people who need and want my help the most. So… I created two packages for attendance to this retreat. The first one starts at just $1197 - which is a fraction of the value you’ll receive as a result of being there. And to make it even easier, you can even take advantage of 5 easy installments, to help you make this a no-brainer. I call it the Serenity Payment Program."

Seriously?????? Holy freaking crap. "Serenity Payment Plan" kind of makes me vomit a bit.
And the website for them look like a bad infomercial.
Even worse is her 30 thousand step cd program that costs a small fortune. "Every morning for seven weeks you get a lesson from me"...Jesus lady seriously, the emails I was getting for awhile made me want to poke a spoon in my eye?

Someone stepped off the deep end awhile ago and she has some weirdo fans that are apparently eating this shit up.

Sadly, she can't seem to NOT mix her music and this garbage so I'm unsubscribing from all of her announcements. Someone let me know when the new cd is out and how long she spends ranting about being a "Mastermind" or whatever so I know whether to buy it.
Edit: Oh nevermind...I freaking did that "be my record label" thing forever ago so I suppose I'll the cd in the mail someday. But I won't know when because there is no list for just that information...it's take all the crap or nothing at all.
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