In which, I get sidetracked by list-

Sep 02, 2009 09:31

Things of interest-
The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends That Actually Happened.
Andrea Grimes from HearlessDoll makes a list of "5 Superheros I'd love to Bang and 5 I wouldn't"
     I am, 1/2 pleased for the girly/nerdyness and I am 1/2 displeased that most of this is based off of movies. Come on, people, the movies are always so inaccurate of their portrayal! Also, if your judging them just on looks it's like, why not just say you want to bang George Clooney instead of "I want to bang Batman because he looks like George Clooney." Cause guess what, he doesn't.
    Although to be fair I did think most of her choices were pretty fair.

The No list-

5. Spiderman
  Except this one. I love Spiderman! He's a superhero, but he's also a total nerd, what's not to love? Sure spider's are gross (and I say this as a total arachnaphobe) but it's not like he keeps them as pets or has any of their gross powers. (Except for that one time where he started to mutate further, that was really gross, but Prof. X totally fixed him, so we'd still be fine.)
  I'm blaming this one on the movie, mostly because her two main issues are issues I have with the movie. Mostly how whiney, annoying and boring Toby Maguire's Peter Parker is. Real Spiderman, while being whiney in his inner dialog (and who can blame him, it's his head) also has an amazing sense of humor and snark. One thing I like about Spiderman is that no matter how shitty things get for him, no matter how much he has to sacrifice, he'll get over it, roll with the punches, and come up with the perfect one liner quip for the situation.
  And as for the "One orifice spewing stringy white stuff is enough for me, thanks."  comment, that's also a movie mess up, it's not a real power. Genius Peter Parker built what are called, "web shooter's" and put them in his costume. That's why he can use different types of webs i.e. the web slinging kind, the more gunky "splat bad guys to a wall" kind, etc., he just uses the different capsules. That's also where the drama of "OMG I ran out of web capsules and I'm 300 feet above the ground!" comes from.

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
3. Hulk
2. Superman
 I hate Superman.
1. Captain America

The Yes List-
5. Tuxedo Mask (or Tuxedo Kamen for the Anime purest out there)
  This made me so happy, Tuxedo Kamen was totally one of my first crushes.
4. Green Lantern
 She doesn't specifiy which one but I'm not really into that so I can only care enough to go, green is my favorite color.
3. Jean Grey
  I think I'd go one further and specify The Pheanox.
2. Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan
  I don't know much about this guy except his basic plot line and that someone once said that Jackie Early Haley should play him in a movie. All good things.
1. Batman and Robin
 I think I could have lived easier with this if she hadn't based her pick off of the movie "Batman and Robin" which was a horrific disaster. Plus, I don't like George Clooney. As a person.

I thought about making my own list, I even started it, but my tiny attention span kept getting distracted so here's the 5 Villians I'd Like to Bang and 5 I Wouldn't.

The No List-

5. Sabertooth from X-Men

This one is pretty much self explanatory. Seriously, Just look at this dude.

No thanks, guy.

4. Green Goblin II from Spiderman

Can I just say, "issues, much?" Seriously, Harry Osborn, uncontrollable daddy issues are not attractive.

3. Ozymandias aka Adrian Viet from Watchmen

That's right, Adrian, I don't need you. You or your perfectly coiffed hairstyle or toned and flexible body, or all of your ancient egyptian stuff or your aloofness and cunning wit. I could have looked past the fact that I only became attracted to you after watching the movie because you were actually a little boring in the comic, I could also look past the fact that your a moron who thinks that killing people with a giant faux alien squid would actually bring about world peace. But there's a line, sir. And you crossed it when Rorschach died. This is me, sticking to my principles. Putting you on this list.

2. Prince Diamando of the Black Moon Family from Sailor Moon

Since Andrea got to put a Sailor Moon person on her list I feel completely justified putting one on mine. This does seem like a wierd person to have on the no list, he's pretty, rich, cultered, and a doting older brother. He's also needy and clingy, and a total stalker. What if things don't work out? What if you just wanted a one night thing? Just look at how much he harrasses Neo Queen Serenity, and they didn't even make it to first base.

1. Joker from Batman

Joker is bamf. Joker is charming. Joker is clever as hell and a perfect foil for his nemisis, Batman. I love Joker. Just not like that, Harley, he's all yours.

The Yes List-

5. Gambit from X-Men

Don't argue with me, this totally counts, he actually was a villan a couple of times.

4. Lex Luthor

I didn't really like Smallville but the one thing that I think they hid dead on was Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal of Lex Luthor. He gave the character actual depth, layers and most important, a motivation beyond, "Well, I'm richer than god, so I guess I'll just be evil and stuff." that we usually see. Also, he hates Superman too, it's something we can bond over.

3. Lucifer from Sandman

Normally I'd probably feel more confliced about boning the devil, but he's retired, so I feel like it's ok now. You know you'll totally enjoy it.

2. Brainwashed Prince Endymion

Man, I had no idea how hard this was gonna be, especially with how easy the first one was. So in order to actually finish this I'm stretching the rules, here's another Sailor Moon one.

1. Harley Quinn

If the other list can have a token female, then so can I, and who better than the clown queen herself?

Who would you pick?

batman, nerd stuff, list

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