Apr 24, 2006 10:34
I spent a riveting day at the UW Bothell library yesterday writing my senior essay...and now I'm at Suzzallo today procrastinating because I don't want to continue working on it. I have written a decent amount of it, but I'm scared to go back and read it over because I don't know if it makes sense. It's best to just...write whatever and get it all out, right? Seriously, though, when this paper is done I am going to sit myself down and consume some booze. Who else is down?
Nothing else too exciting happened over the weekend...Adam and I went to Red Robin TWICE. Someday, we'll find another restaurant but for now we are both pretty hooked. I discovered the honey mustard chicken burger and def had it both times we went. At least I'm moving away from the chicken caesar wrap no tomatoes.
Must...continue...writing senior essay now..............