What Is She Doing?

Sep 05, 2006 12:31

I know I've been mostly absent on LJ lately, and when I was posting, it was in Polish. I have a good excuse, I swear! I'm taking part in my first ever ficathon. Polish ficathon centred around LOST TV series. And if I may tell you, so far it's being really awesome ( Read more... )

tv, lost, fandom, veronica mars

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Comments 6

girlupnorth September 5 2006, 21:16:51 UTC
Happy nameday for your Mum! :) I hope she's going to like (or at least stop hating) Logan ;)


novin_ha September 6 2006, 18:25:43 UTC
She thanks for the wishes ;) I certainly hope so - Logan is my seekrit boyfriend, right? XD

(did you know the actor who plays him is married? :O)


girlupnorth September 7 2006, 08:50:56 UTC
I did! I think his wife's a painter? And he says she's really talented. Good for them ;)


novin_ha September 7 2006, 09:06:36 UTC
Is she? He's so young... It's not fair, he's totally supposed to be with me-eh XD


ajat September 6 2006, 01:04:21 UTC
I'd never take daily prompts. So stressful.


novin_ha September 6 2006, 18:24:11 UTC
Hm. I don't find that so stressful, although there's certainly that element. But there's no pressure to fulfil each prompt. More of a celebration of being authors in a fandom, together, sharing the fun of our liked show. I find prompts motivating more than anything else.

There's more stress in seeing others write stories better than mine XD But I'm pretty happy with some elements of my own stories, so that's okay.

And I've done 6/6 so far XD


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