What Is She Doing?

Sep 05, 2006 12:31

I know I've been mostly absent on LJ lately, and when I was posting, it was in Polish. I have a good excuse, I swear! I'm taking part in my first ever ficathon. Polish ficathon centred around LOST TV series. And if I may tell you, so far it's being really awesome.

I have to write something connected with a daily prompt. So far I've completed 4/5 (today's story is waiting to be written) and I'm exhausted - I've not been on such a writing schedule ever before - and then there's reading others' stories and commenting - and on a good day, there are ten stories to be read and reviewed. Woo-hoo!

My promised picspam is thus still in the making, but promise, I'm not abandoning it. I'm far too egocentric for that.

oWhat else is going on in my little world? My Mum's nameday is tomorrow, so I'll be baking a cake for her. And I've been given a receipe for bread that I do want to try out. And I've started watching the second season of Doctor Who and decided to stop and leave it to myself for a less busy time, or at least a time when I'll be desperate for some quality tv. Similarly with Carnivale. It's too good to be watched with just half my attention.

I'm re-watching Vernica Mars instead. It's funny to watch initial episodes knowing what I know now. I'm watching them with Mum, btw, and she hates Logan. We're just on episode four, nevertheless. She'll change her mind. Right? :D

And I got myself new icons. :)

::hugs:: all of you :)

tv, lost, fandom, veronica mars

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