On Saturday I woke up next to a ridiculously attractive Virgo and spent the rest of the day watching 3rd Rock from the Sun in the tub, reading comic books and burning action figures. The other night I went over to his house and we watched Xmen cartoons and it seems so trite, but it made me so happy just to be enjoying a tv show together. Nick and I always looked forward to eating dinner in front of the Sunday night lineup, and it was my favorite thing to do with Chris until he declared every show I liked to be stupid. Jason is wonderful though. He snuck into my apartment while I was at work to leave a bottle of perfume that he knew I wanted on my nightstand. If you must know it was Britney Spears' Fantasy. A stripper recommended it after I commented, with glee, that her boobs smelled like a candy necklace.
On Sunday I got shitfaced at Lincoln Woods again with Providence Aimee and her roommate. We picked berries, my brace got caught in some vines and I fell square into some brambles and poison ivy. In case anyone is wondering why I am scratching my butt so much. We swam for a bit and then went back to my place for burgers.
Really? Please note that the grill in question is a shitty charcoal grill, apparently last used to burn a book, probably when the owners realized they couldn't get high from smoking it. Note that they didn't say which apartment they were from, the fucking pussies.
We do like our Miley Cyrus for Walmart.
Salem Aimee told me to put Fels-Naptha soap on my poison ivy
Foot news update: I can walk. I took a few steps around the apartment last weekend to see if I could, and since then I have been walking a little more every day. I promised myself I would wait until my doctor said it was ok, but I just had to try it. It hurts a little, like a sprained ankle, and my whole leg feels kind of heavy, but having it work again is exciting. I will probably still use the brace some of the time for awhile, especially if I have to schlep something heavy or hoist the canoe. Don't worry I'm being careful! And Wolverine is my dad and all, so...
I'm over the attention. I think it's really rude and annoying when complete strangers ask me what happened. It's a long story and I'm busy. I would never ask someone in a cast or a brace what's up unless I knew them, in which case it becomes a matter of concern and not just nosiness. Someone in Coffee Exchange said "I sure don't envy you!" and I wanted to say "Well you fucking should, because my life is awesome". When some guy in the grocery store came up to me and asked me "What happened to your leg?" I ACTUALLY SAID "What happened to your face?" He protested, I told him it was none of his damn business, and then he said he didn't care anyway, and I called him a crybaby and he called me a bitch. Oh, Price Rite.
I actioned this tiny raspberry tart to take to the movies on Tuesday, but then Providence Aimee called and said that her roommate who goes to Johnson and Wales was roasting a goat leg and would I like to come over for dinner? So I iced some cupcakes (always have cupcakes in the freezer in case of emergency partying), picked up a bottle of wine and ditched my date with Harry Potter in favor of this delicious multicourse extravaganza:
I took that picture preemptively, there were actually like 3 more sides. It was rich and satisfying and there were plenty of leafy greens.
So pumped for a 3-day weekend filled with canoeing, camping, drinking, public urination, hanging out with my mom, and mayhem. We'll talk forks when I get back!