On Friday I needed cheering up because there had been a scheduling mishap and I ended up being on my period for two whole weeks. I went to Saver's:
I got some cheesy white sneakers, Via Spiga nanny/witch heels that I may or may not be able to ever wear, striped t shirt from the Gap that reminds me of a toy piano I used to have, a couple of champagne glasses with hearts on them, and four Blue Heaven plates.
then I treated myself to blackberries and my favorite fake cheese products
I was feeling motivated to do something fancy, so I made an Asian noodle salad and shrimp salad on Belgian endive and a big jug of Arnold Palmer and organized a picnic. Jason took me to Swan Point cemetery. It was lush and green and perfect.
L.P.? Laura Palmer?
Aimee was in town for the My Little Pony convention, so she came over and watched while Jason gave Julian a haircut.
I'm still not sure if I made the right decision, because the process was definitely not fun for Julian, but we were both having a hard time dealing with all that fur. He couldn't keep it clean, and I couldn't keep it out of my kitchen. The haircut took so long we eventually gave up on trying to make him look cool and turned our efforts towards Dingleberry Prevention.
Aimee brought presents as usual
Aimee and I went to Warwick, got ourselves a fried seafood fest at Iggy's and sat on the beach. I've only been craving clamcakes for two weeks now!
The next day we went to Lincoln Woods and went swimming. We bought cokes and filled a thermos with Kraken and floated out on the tubes. It being high noon and all we slathered ourselves up good but after we finished the rum, all bets were off. We decided to swim to the other side of the pond, I passed out on a rock, and after four and a half hours we both went home with sunburns. We stopped at McDonald's on the way, then decided it wasn't enough and also stopped at Kennedy Fried Chicken. I know.
This picture pretty much sums up how I feel about driving around with Aimee.