I have another reading. It's tonight. Apparently, I'm bad at telling my friends about these things. I wish I was better, but, then again, I also kind of wish I had some money, a nicer home and the ability to tell my friends about my readings a little sooner than the day off. So, you know, life's not perfect.
I'm reading several stories this evening, all of them good. I have to say that, so you'll be enticed. One's about love. One's about fashion (and my lack of...). One's a short I wrote long ago, about Vanilla Ice (yes, the crappy white rapper). I also have a few shorts that are two-sided, and that you may have read, that go by the moniker "Spider-man and I" and are about me, well, talking with Spider-man.
Spider-man will be played by my esteemed best friend, Mr. Todd Demerath.
Please come. It's my last reading for who knows how long, and even if that is just some clever line to get you to show up, it might actually be true.
400 barAda Jane / Ben Wilinski / Leslie Ostarander / Jeremy Bishop / Jennifer Mack, Natalie Brown, Melisa Brown, Sharon Picasso-Merrick.
8:00 PM (7:00 PM doors)
18 plus with valid ID.