2 papers down, 3 to go~
Though I know its still no time to celebrate, its a Friday here~ Everyone has a right to enjoy the weekend, no? XD (I kill myself by saying that)
It felt like even though I was able to manage the paper, I was still unsure of myself. I bet everyone experiences this feeling in some way or another. Its like there were too many facts put inside your head and when a question asks you for a certain fact, you try to recall it. But the thing is, there are too many things inside your head, you don't know whether what you recalled is what the question needs. Even worst still, when you misinterpret a question! That's the one thing I'd like to avoid most! uah~ I'm still not over the paper! (I hope I did okay ~)
Forcing myself to change the topic...
whoa.. only till today I realised that I missed a few of my friends birthdays! sheesh~ I'm such a sucker at remembering birthdates! I almost missed one of my oldest friend's birthday and I tried to make it up to her with a long birthday wish for her! Only ... I'm still waiting for a reply from her........
Hai! Ooo... And also
mrs_akanishi ... Hope you can forgive me~ I am so so so sorry! umm... Happy Belated Birthday? hehe.. hugs and kisses~ (I'm soo dead~)
I dunno why, but ever since I got into the Kanjani8 fandom last year( where I got to know that they'd just released their latest album PUZZLE), I've been looking out for more of their latest updates rather than updates from KAT-TUN, my first-found fandom. Is it because Kanjani8 is alot more funnier than KAT-TUN? XDD They're kinda even more pleasant to look at, rather than KAT-TUN, to be honest.
Haha.. anyways... gotta love KAT-TUN's latest single! Eventhough D-motion sounds so retro, Love Yourself and HeartBeat made the single even more worth buying, to me atleast.
And so, with nothing else, it comes down to this... I'm sooo waiting for the next episode of Yamanade~!! The series is getting more interesting, what with Kyohei probably will be having a rival in love~ huhuuhu? I still dont know about this, but, man, I hope that that's the case though!
Then.. with that being my final outburst for today, I'll be taking my leave... Jyaa!