regonym made a DELIGHTFUL podfic of
...Okay, So It's The Same Galaxy, A Couple Years Off! LOOOOK! Go
download and shower her with praise! She made my little cracky snippet sound AWESOME. I am in starry-eyed awe.
Second: I have discovered that others share my icon obsession! THIS IS VERY EXCITING TO ME. I THOUGHT I WAS ALL ALONE IN MY ADDICTION. So, you know, here is an open post to discuss our shared madness, should anyone want! Does anyone else spend blissful hours combing through the internet for new gems? As many hours going through your uploaded icons and painfully, regretfully retiring those icons that don't get a lot of LJ time? And then you GLEEFULLY UPLOAD your new finds and bask in their awesomeness, right? Right? Do you occasionally go to your icon page and just scroll around happily, like a dragon rolling in its gold? And each and every comment requires careful deliberation of the options, until you finally select that PERFECT ICON for the conversation. Mmm. Icons., when I write it all out like that, I sound... kind of unhinged. But, OH WELL. Oh! And does anyone have any favorite artists? I recently stumbled across
sunlitdays, and she does the MOST AMAZING stock icons. Nnnngh.
It has come to my attention that many of my acquaintance would be interested in a Due South S3&4 rewatch!
fleurdeliser is awesome and has already anticipated ALL OUR NEEDS and uploaded everything ever, because she is awesome. Once we get shit worked out, I'll sling up a link to her awesome awesome folder under a locked post? IDK, something like that. SO YAY OMG. THAT IS TAKEN CARE OF. *showers fleur with love forever*
Next order of business, then, is timing, obviously. We are multitudinous, we span the globe and all those pesky time zones, etc etc. Also there is all that real life jazz that occasionally gets in the way of online interactions. So! Ideas would be very much welcomed, and I'll update this post with suggested options. Here's what I've got so far.
- set up a re-watch every 2-3 days, probably in the evening, US East Coast time, and open one of those free virtual chat rooms (I'm thinking chatzy? but alternatives are welcome! feel free to suggest some in the comments) for mutual squee. This would allow people to jump back and forth, rewatch multiple times as multiple time zones get engaged, respond to earlier comments, etc.
- other chatroom suggestions so far = IRC, gchat, and!
- set up a discussion post on LJ and have a definite time for each episode to be viewed, though comments can flow freely. Again, I am thinking evening East Coast Time, about 8 or 9, so those in Europe don't have to stay up tooooo late and those in the US don't have to watch too early, though those in the Pacific/Australia... would be bollocksed. UGH TIME ZONES. Again, SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME.
- BOTH (er. I mean. have the chat open for real-time squee, but the post open for more thoughtful discussion/commentficcing/etc.)
- ...maybe I should just set up a new comm to organize all this shit in one convenient location. Maybe it could be a whole BANDOM/FANDOM REWATCHES THINGS COMMUNITY, not limited to Due South, but to include, like. I dunno. Doctor Who! Generation Kill! Homicide: Life on the Street! Slings and Arrows! X-Files! Huh. HUH., yes. ANYWAY.
- ETA: OKAY, A COMM SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD IDEA. SO NOW IT NEEDS A NAME. I am tempted to go with a nice MST3K reference. satellite_of_lulz or something, IDK. THOUGHTS?
AS YOU CAN SEE, I AM CRAP AT ORGANIZING. The input of the flist would be much appreciated! COME ON, GUYS, IT WOULD BE SUCH FUUUUUUN. *bats eyes at you hopefully*