
Dec 10, 2006 17:44

We met on the shore of a lemonade lake.
Weeping willows looked down where we lay.
Orange blossoms i smell in your hair.
Butterfly, flutter by, butterfly by.

Waterfalls send your ripples to us
Here on the shore of the lemonade lake.
Pond lilies play hide and seek with the fish.
Rabbit run, run rabbit, rabbit run by.

Roaring mountain is standing close by,
Covered with snowdrops and glistening with dew.
I hear the sound of a small hummingbird.
I took your hand and i waltzed off with you.

Come to the top of the mountain with me.
Jump on a cloud and we'll float to and fro.
Seeing the countryside covered with grass
And the top of the mountain with candy-floss and snow.

Butterfly lazily drinking the sun,
Lavishly sprinkled and painted with gold.
Here in the land of the mist and the lake,
Me and my true love will never grow old.

sunny cold sunday in Guadalajara...the hills are such a beutiful view....waiting for the guys to come back tonight....it feels like it's already time to go home. when my buddies will leave next wednesday...it'll be like i'm leaving too. in a way, my mood is just...ready to come back as well, don't know why. this excavation has returned to be like the previous ones i had experienced, before Merida and Poggibonsi (which have been two miracles in a row!). very positive and funny but fine when it comes to the end. it's ok like that, i guess. i'm glad.
anyway "Butterfly" will be the soundtrack of this experience, definitely!
a bit nervous about the week is going to start...i'm already thinking of what to do next weekend when i'll be on my own here....maybe a quick visit to this ciudad, Guadalajara....i've spotted nice locations when i was sitting in the bus....so...i can't miss them while i'm here....
take care and have a wonderful week!

No digas todo lo que sabes,
no hagas todo lo que puedes,
no creas todo lo que oyes,
no gastes todo lo que tienes.

Porque el que dice todo lo que sabe,
el que hace todo lo que puede,
el que cree todo lo que oye,
el que gasta todo lo que tiene.

Muchas veces:
dice lo que no conviene,
hace lo que no debe,
juzga lo que no ve,
gasta lo que no puede.

(... prudente proverbio árabe...)

ps: Berto is going crazy on Beyonce's videoclips....he's flipped out lol! she's his perfect dream chick! ROFLMAO!!!

d., guadalajara, spain

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