the shot ignored 'round the world

Oct 01, 2011 17:02

Anwar al-Aulaqi's assassination by the President was wrong. Simple as that. American citizens should not be targeted for death by the President. He should have been sought & brought back for trial, particularly since he was a propagandist, not a soldier in the field of battle. That's what the rule of law means. President Obama says we are a nation of laws, but he took the law in his own hands & made himself judge, jury & executioner.

This is the beginning of the end. Seriously. If this appropriation of power goes to the Executive Branch without challenge, then we've essentially sanctioned disappearings, secret police, political imprisonings, the whole works. If the President can label an American citizen an enemy of the state & have that person killed without trial, there's no limit to that person's power. We might as well stop pretending & admit that we've reverted to a de facto monarchy.

Edit: Apparently Juan Cole agrees with this sentiment & articulates why. (found via DailyKos comment) See also Digby at Hullaballoo.

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law, politics, opinion, obama, america

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