Jan 21, 2008 23:07
So lately things have been getting in my head and i cant let them go.
There's the whole Melissa thing, we've gone our ways but it still hurts.
Im overworked and underpaid, I come to work with an hours worth of work left behinde and it baffles my mind how 2 fully able men cannnot seem to get anything done in the closing hours of work. The depo i work at has gone to hell since i left. The furnace fuelpipe is busted and i had to work two days straight with no heat of any form. I do the work of 2 men and still only get $8.65 an hour. And now im also in charge of finding my replacement, ain't that awesome? Even more work for Adam and none of the benifits. I wish i was the owners son and complain about how somebody gets paid more than i do so id get the $5/h raise i so rightfully deserve. *not*
Everytime i get into trouble with work i can;t call anyone to help me. I end up shipping beer alone and dealing with pissy customers who don't understand the concept of one man; one table; one customer.
They do see me working alone, yet they still come and interupt me during somebody and ask me why they are still waiting. Note that in front of me is a table solid full of bottles and bags up past my head behind me. Marc never answers his phone because if he does, then he has to work. I can't call Josh because if i call him his mother throws a shitfit on how it's his day off. Fuck you cunt; your son was hird to take over my workload and yet he seems to fail at that. I work alone and if i need the help your son will bloody well come in and do his job or get fired.
So to avoid this Josh and hs mother take off on the days he is off and i cannot get him.
Needless to say, im the best employee they have besides Eddie the tank, yet im underpaid and underrespected.
School gets me tired, sore, bruised, and furious all at once.
Keizer my teacher hands out 2 books of 150+ math questions and andother 200+ code questions in one sitting. So i sit here in my room looking at this insane ammount of work thats due. I refuse to do it at home, so i take it to work as a funtime or just spend classtime doing it.
We have moved to conduit work in second semester. Meaning bending pipe with our hands and these special tools. This stuff is hard to work with and also leaves me brusied from using th bender with my legs. My arms and chest are sore from pulling on it, and if it isnt 100% perfect Keizer throws a shitfit. To say bending a curved surface within a straight slot is difficult is to say the Atlanic ocean is wet.
Noting how much money i make and my responsibilites to take care of, Bike, food, books, tools ect. I need to make some money.
Being given a list of contractors for workterm and saying best of luck ain't a real good confidence builder. I have to go out get a job for FREE for 5 weeks so i can get a neat little stamp that Keizer has, and im allowed to try and be an apprentace.
Let's see. Still feeling awkward about how things went between me and Hannah(if your reading this for some reason im sorry.)
Had some interesting time with Ian about Kelly. Let's just say things aint what he said they were and people are getting jerked around.
Life at home is all but perfect, yes i am living free, my parents cook for me and all. Being independant is kinda hard since of my location and financial situation.
I feel like im stuck in a rut and it is sucking the life out of me.
I feel a sudden urge to take a trip, well, its not all that sudden its a planned thing for me to avoid a situation i just dont want to be anywhere near. Ian wants to have a party to ease my mind, but im not sure if i'll take the offer.
The suicide scare on my part is gone. Besides things shouldn't have to be any worse for my family.
Nan had an accident in her car two days ago and flipped it into a ditch. She's fine now, but 5 minutes after she had called mom to tell her about it Eric called and said he fucked up his knee at hockey and might need surgery.
Mom's kemo therapy is going the best i could exppect it. when she's on the pills, everyday is a nightmare for her, when she's off, she's fine.
Ugh somtimes life just sucks the big one, but you have to keep moving on.
I'll rant more another time.