Yaaaaaay, books! I'm enjoying trying to identify by spine before I embiggen them. :D
You have the same edition of a Wrinkle in Time that I do! (Which was one I got without enlarging, ditto the BFG. :D) Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, omg. Practically no one has ever heard of that book, I always forget it's more common in Australia. You also have the same edition of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! <3 And yay, Lucy Maud! &Canada!; I really like the little beaded lizard on the shelf, too. And Ella Enchanted! I loved that book. And yaaaaaaaaaay, Tammy. Did you see the bandom/Tortall fusion thingy that Zarah5 posted the other day? It was EXCELLENT (and I super need to go fb it properly still, eek). Ryan Ross approves your Palahniuk, btw. :D
And whee at the Tammy in your to-read pile. I really liked Terrier far more than I expected to, and the Trickster's duo is excellent, as well. I must admit the KJA Star Wars books are... not my favourites, but that's also because he and I have a long-standing disagreement on the grounds of his SUCKY SUCKY X Files novels. *holds grudges, isn't proud* May I recommend, just to not-help further, that you pick up the Star Wars: X Wing books if you see them on the cheap anywhere? Because they are AWESOME.
What are those Megan Macafferty books about? They look intriguing.
Also, So You Wanna Be A Wizard has long been one of my favourite books, I think it has an impact all out of proportion to both its length and the younger end of the audience it's theoretically aimed at. Let me know what you think when you get to that one, huh? (And Diane Duane is around on LJ, actually, too.)
...sorry, I'm kind of a booknerd. *sheepish*
And yay for finding new togs, isn't it a horrendous mission at times? I must admit I did the "oh fine for fuckssake why is this so HARD?" thing and switched to bikinis about five years back myself, but you're so right, it is ridiculously difficult to find one-pieces that aren't... weird (the ones they sell here have, like, half the fabric missing! What's the POINT?) or really fugly. Bah.
I have not read A Wrinkle in Time in so, so long. I probably need to add that to the list. And yes, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie was a gift from an Australian friend of mine. Ella Enchanted is amazing...I have read it so, so many times, and I'm always so involved in it. I did see Zarah5's Tortall snippet from the other day - so, so good! And oh, Ryan Ross approves my Palahniuk, does he? That's all I really needed in life.
All right, will go looking for the Star Wars: X Wing books, I promise!
The Megan Macafferty books are just about this girl whose best friend moves away at the beginning of, hmmm....grade eleven, I think? It's just teen fiction, but I find the character really relatable and the books really entertaining.
Oh, I have read that book before! I loved it to pieces, but the copy I had when I was younger disappeared, and the boyfriend got me that copy for Christmas. So, I need to re-read. We will discuss once I've re-read it, I promise.
You are a booknerd, but that's all good. :)
It is a horrendous mission, exactly! I like the simplicity of bikinis, and frankly, I don't go swimming anywhere other than my own backyard, and rarely in front of other people, so there's no real issue.
You have the same edition of a Wrinkle in Time that I do! (Which was one I got without enlarging, ditto the BFG. :D) Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, omg. Practically no one has ever heard of that book, I always forget it's more common in Australia. You also have the same edition of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! <3 And yay, Lucy Maud! &Canada!; I really like the little beaded lizard on the shelf, too. And Ella Enchanted! I loved that book. And yaaaaaaaaaay, Tammy. Did you see the bandom/Tortall fusion thingy that Zarah5 posted the other day? It was EXCELLENT (and I super need to go fb it properly still, eek). Ryan Ross approves your Palahniuk, btw. :D
And whee at the Tammy in your to-read pile. I really liked Terrier far more than I expected to, and the Trickster's duo is excellent, as well. I must admit the KJA Star Wars books are... not my favourites, but that's also because he and I have a long-standing disagreement on the grounds of his SUCKY SUCKY X Files novels. *holds grudges, isn't proud* May I recommend, just to not-help further, that you pick up the Star Wars: X Wing books if you see them on the cheap anywhere? Because they are AWESOME.
What are those Megan Macafferty books about? They look intriguing.
Also, So You Wanna Be A Wizard has long been one of my favourite books, I think it has an impact all out of proportion to both its length and the younger end of the audience it's theoretically aimed at. Let me know what you think when you get to that one, huh? (And Diane Duane is around on LJ, actually, too.)
...sorry, I'm kind of a booknerd. *sheepish*
And yay for finding new togs, isn't it a horrendous mission at times? I must admit I did the "oh fine for fuckssake why is this so HARD?" thing and switched to bikinis about five years back myself, but you're so right, it is ridiculously difficult to find one-pieces that aren't... weird (the ones they sell here have, like, half the fabric missing! What's the POINT?) or really fugly. Bah.
All right, will go looking for the Star Wars: X Wing books, I promise!
The Megan Macafferty books are just about this girl whose best friend moves away at the beginning of, hmmm....grade eleven, I think? It's just teen fiction, but I find the character really relatable and the books really entertaining.
Oh, I have read that book before! I loved it to pieces, but the copy I had when I was younger disappeared, and the boyfriend got me that copy for Christmas. So, I need to re-read. We will discuss once I've re-read it, I promise.
You are a booknerd, but that's all good. :)
It is a horrendous mission, exactly! I like the simplicity of bikinis, and frankly, I don't go swimming anywhere other than my own backyard, and rarely in front of other people, so there's no real issue.
\o/ I'll keep an eye out for extra copies here, too.
And, ahh, good to know.
And awesome, that is a most excellent present.
And this is true!
And, yes, exactly! And fair call, yeah.
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