All right, so - the tail end of the picture meme.
All graphic novels and trades. Like I said, this collection has increased by about four times its original size since the beginning of the summer. I guess I was right when I said that if I had a little money I'd spend it all on comics.
All right, the bookshelf itself, from top to bottom:
But my bookshelf looks a little sparse at the moment because it was my summer plan to read all the books that from my shelves that I hadn't ever read before, or hadn't read in a long, long time. They're in three piles next to my bed:
Wendy is the white one in behind, and Persephone is in front.
So, I got mail from
penceyprepster yesterday! Thank you so, so much Hope! I love the t-shirts, and I definitely appreciate the chocolate. The sticker will be going on the back of my school agenda next year. Also, I got the empires CD from
rhombal - thank you, Dili! I will now be forcing everyone to listen to it everywhere we go. Actually, can I just take this oppurtunity to say a huge thank-you to anyone who sent me something these holidays? I won't name everyone (because I'm afraid I'd forget someone) but I am incredibly thankful to all of you, and I appreciate you taking the time to write me a card or send me a package. Especially those of you who sent me chocolate. ♥
Life is pretty boring at the moment. I saw my first "Back to School!" ad last night and had a minor freakout. I do not want to think about it at all. I will do all my school supply shopping the week before I go back to school, just like I always do. Also, I bought a new swimsuit yesterday, because the one I bought last year (really, really cheap) is falling apart. Why is it so impossible to find one-piece swimsuits that aren't really, really hideous? I mean, I am not that picky, I swear, but I still struggle. So I bought a bikini. But let's not talk about that.
Hope your week has been excellent! (Yes, you.)