Hockey semi-finals this evening! I am both excited and nervous, and I'm also pretty sure we won't make it into the finals. But you know. Always worth a try. Also, massive history test on Monday that I'm stressing out about. I know this isn't particularly interesting for you to read, but seriously, Germany's history between the World Wars? Confusing
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Would you like to tell me about you history stuff? Sometimes teaching can be a great way to get things to stick in your head. I'd be a perfect student- I don't know very much about Germany's history, and I just finished some self-made worksheets on past, present, and future conjugations in Deutsch! Hahahah. If you need any more practice for the test, do feel free to splurt out a time-line, a summary, or even just a re-telling of a certain event to me.
And, uhm... y'know. -shuffle- If you really need a study-buddy or something, we could try and set up a call. I don't know how the time zones would work out or whatever. We're about a half of a day apart, yeah? Also, I was just thinking! Have you heard about teh Skypez? I don't have it or anything, and I've never tried it, but I've heard it's really neat. Zomg Skype Click Here! Do you have any headphones with a microphone for the computer? Because (I know this is going to sound irrational and goofy.) if we talk on the phone over the computer I will feel much more... normal? Comfortable? At home? Hahahah.
I'm not sure either way how I would be conversationally, but I can listen to things such as your notes from world history class like you wouldn't believe. Along with whatever else might come up. :D
And, to be honest, I think I belong in whatever era has the most technology. Next era, probably. Hahahah. I can't picture myself in anything before the 20th century, for sure. If I had to pick a time in the past, I guess I would say in America or the UK in the late 30's or so. I like the look and the values and things.
I would love to tell you about my history stuff! It's the best way I learn, actually; just talking through things, as opposed to sitting there reading over and over again. And hey, you finally decided maybe you'd like to talk to me! Leah, this is a big day.
I do have Skype, but I actually find it sort of difficult to work with, because it cuts out all the time and sometimes the reception is so bad you hear only the last syllable of every word, and stuff like that. For now, let's just work out time differences - it's 10:10am for me here, on Saturday. You?
You like the "and things" of the thirties? Interesting. I can't imagine what it would have been like to grow up without the technology we have today, but I do think we might have been better for it, in some ways. People become so anti-social and they forget how to communicate with other people when they spend so much time plugged into electronics. I don't mean to go against lj, or anything, because I think this is just a different type of interaction, but in RL? I think it just heightens how self-absorbed people can be.
If your response was long, mine was preachy and tangential!
Hahahah, this is a big day. In fact, I'm having a very tiny mental freak out about it! -gigglesnort- It's so strange that I'd rather meet people in real life than call them, but it's true. I need to practice? Hmmm. Well, when you commented it was 8:10 on Friday night, and it's just turned 9:30 right now. Fourteen hours! Wow, that's so cool. I've never gotten over that. You're in the ~future~! Hahahahah.
I can agree with that. That's one thing about my happy mental image of America in the later 30s (Grammar, grammar, grammar! No apostrophe in that. -sigh- I'll never grasp the English language.)- one common scene would be the family gathering around the radio for the evening, and everything's tinted yellow, and the boy yells, "Ace!" when his favorite program finally begins. The way family values have degenerated and how everything from huge violence to just general self-absorption has increased is just sad. With its rapid increase over the same time, it's impossible for technology to not have some part in it.
Nevertheless, I love technology. I love that I can teach myself German so easily because I have the internet. I love that I can talk to you whenever I like. The knowledge we can share is just so important to me! But I can't say that I mind having a cell phone or an iPod, either. Hmmm. I guess that we just have to monitor ourselves? We can't do anything to better our own generation except for making loving people a priority for ourselves. I guess it's cheesy, but the most we can hope for is that we love, people are loved by us, and that those people are inspired to love someone else. And we have the advantage of technology!
I don't think that technology is the only reason family values are deteriorating, but I think it makes it easier for everyone - but especially kids - to just sort of recede inside themselves, or their iPods, or their PSPs, or whatever. The amount of people I know who watch television whilst eating dinner seems odd to me - no offense if this is something your family does, this is just me personally - because a family can be eating together, but there's no real conversation. Everyone's eyes are just glued to a screen. (I hate restaurants where there's a TV on - unless is an important hockey game, obviously - because people get so distracted by it, even if there's nothing interesting on.)
I love technology to. The fact that we can be having this conversation when I'm in the ~future~, for instance, is pretty exciting. But no, just being able to talk to people I wouldn't be able to normally and learn about things I wouldn't otherwise is kinda great. I see what you mean, cheesiness included, and I agree. Use it as an aid rather than a tool for the opposite effect.
How should we set this up? As soon as I get home, what should I do? Message you on here? I'm totally not dialing, dear goodness. Hahahah. Well, I guess I could, if you promised to pick up. I don't know! -flustered- This is going to be hilarious.
Yes! That's basically my whole answer to that paragraph. Yes, yes, yes. That's one thing I've been raised on and I will continue if I have a family- eat dinner at the kitchen table, together as a family, as much as is possible. We sometimes run the news on the TV in the next room where you can see and hear it, but we're never in front of it. We often discuss what's on the news together over dinner. I've taken that time for granted my whole life, and I've just lately realized how much I love it.
I think that I'm going to attempt to reference you being in the ~future~ in every conversation we have from now on.
My family does the whole 'discuss your day' thing, and more often than not we end up discussing hockey as well, because we're all involved in it in some way. Usually one of us will talk about some weird news story or something like that. My best friend always has the TV on in the kitchen, and I found it so hard to eat dinner at her house because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk over it.
Good plan! It's a challenge.
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